Monday, July 18, 2011

Harry Potter {Tradition}

We have a tradition of getting out to as many midnight premiere movie events as we can.  Harry Potter is one of the openings we have always looked forward to.  With the release of the final movie this week it's sad to say that it's the end of an era.

Remember how young they were when the first movie came out.

And the huge lines at midnight to get the latest book {before the movies ever came out}!

Well it all ended this week and broke every box office record with a $168.5 million dollar opening weekend!  So I take a moment to look back at some of our Harry Potter Midnight Movie Premiere Madness! {Sadly I don't have many pictures, as I was too busy having fun at these events!}

Geeky in my Harry Potter glasses!

I wanted to wear my hat and cape...

but they talked me into wearing my Slytherin green and black so I wouldn't embarrass them {this time}! Haha!

I'm wondering why I can't look cute like this though!  Hmm...

Camped out in line at last year's movie.

The excitement is everywhere and you see a lot of happy fans {with matching Potter glasses}!

Lines in front of us and ...

even bigger lines behind us {that's why you go early and camp out}!

We always see security and news reporters.

We even "found" Waldo this time!

With everyone that is dressed up getting in front of the camera for interviews.

Once inside {along with family, cousins and friends} we get the best seat in the house and ...

we find things to keep us busy while we wait some more for the movie to begin!

Luckily we go early and are always in the huge theater along with the crazy dedicated fans and Harry Potter Clubs.  
They have planned activities and contests and treats!

There are spells shared, along with many fans in very cool costumes {not pictured here} to keep us entertained and that makes the time pass quickly!

This kind of excitement really adds so much to our Harry Potter experience.  
It's like everyone in the theater is part of the Hogwarts community too.

So grab your favorite MUGGLE...

or that #1 Harry Potter fan that you know and...

enjoy the movie!

                                                      My Harry Potter Jewels

We always have a great time at our Harry Potter midnight premieres but I would have to say the one of the most memorable Harry Potter showings ever {not pictured} was when the second movie in the series came out.  My incredible brother rented the whole movie theater on opening day for his daughters birthday {and filled it up with family & friends & neighborhood children} and we had the BEST party ever!  Now that's incredible!


 To see a preview and visit Warner Brothers official Harry Potter site click here

To virtually  visit Harry Potter World in Orlando click here

To visit the official website of J.K. Rowling and become immersed with Harry Potter fun click here

To register your email and be part of her new website called Pottermore click here You will definitely want to click and watch the video of her telling what the new site is all about!  It's going to be amazing!

Want to see a cool how-to on making your own Harry Potter Butter Beer then click here

 To find out more about The Unofficial Harry Potter Cookbook then click here

Harry Potter we love you!  You have done so much good to others and brought so much joy to our lives, and we will never be the same.  You have really taught a whole generation how to read and imagine!   My daughter learned how to read at a very young age when the first Harry Potter book came out.  We were hooked!  She told me today that growing up along with Harry Potter was her life, and now that it is ending, it is the end of her childhood.  Kind of sad.

               What is your favorite Harry Potter memory?  I'd really love to hear!


  1. Wow, you look great! We saw the movie on Friday. I am not really a huge HP fan, but it was good!

  2. You are looking mighty fine again! Shame they didn't wanna let you go in your witch costume. You should have put a spell on them!
    My son watched an older HP movie yesterday and wanted to see more. Maybe the HP frenzy has arrived at this doorstep now.

  3. What fun! I can't wait to see the final movie, hopefully this weekend.

  4. Fun, fun, fun Wendy!!! You have such enthusiasm for everything fun (among other things) that I think you have passed that on to your kids and I LOVE IT! I enjoyed hearing about your HP movie experiences so much! Thanks for sharing it all with us - plus those cool links! (I may have to steal them for the HP post I am working on!)

    I am unfortunately the only HP movie fan in my family, but we are all HUGE fans of the books. We ordered all of ours from England, so it was so fun to receive the British versions! We all read them on our own, but I think my all time favorite memory is that I read every single one aloud to my family. Those were SUCH. GOOD. TIMES.

  5. Awesome! My kids were in a midnight line, too. It truly is the end of an era, AND their childhood. Our kids grew up on Harry Potter.

  6. Thanks everyone for your Harry Potter memories! We have ours that we will treasure forever and I'm happy for that!

    P.S. My Aunt saw us on the news straight from the Premiere! Funny!


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