Saturday, July 9, 2011

Pay it Forward 2011 {Tradition}

Lat night I received the BEST gift ever!

On January 5, 2011 I signed up for the "Pay it Forward 2011 Project" that I saw on my friend Allyson's Facebook wall.  By responding {and asking others to do it as well} I was to receive something homemade from her, and in turn I would send something homemade to the first 5 people who responded to mine {and they were to do the same}!  I'm sure many others around the world are participating as well!  {If not they should be!}  Yes I think about the projects that I owe often and have some ideas! Please be patient a bit longer my participating friends!

Anyways... I received a message last night, as I was rushing out the door for the evening, and Allyson delivered these delicious rolls to my house while I was gone!  I know, LUCKY me!  So one thing led to another and I didn't get home until long after midnight, and woke up this morning to my surprise!  I can't wait to smother one with honey and butter!  Yum!

Fun idea isn't it!  I've participated in a gift exchange with my Desert Quilters of Nevada Quilt Guild before and also in other exchanges such as Craftaholics Handmade Gift Exchange and they are always so much fun!  Have you ever been involved in a gift exchange or Pay it Forward?  I'm waiting to hear all about it! I will definitely do it again!


  1. what a lovely surprise,, I say double yum!

  2. those rolls look amazing! what a great thing to be involved in!

  3. I know YOU will come up with something special for your surprise!

  4. Thanks guys! It had been a lot of fun and I got lucky with my delicious surprise! Now to get to work on mine!


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