Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Camera Phone Pics {Me}

I love taking pictures!  So I have recently been amazed at the quality of some of the pictures. Most of the time I am on the go and take pictures with my phone.  This was a favorite phone pic of mine from the beach earlier this month.  I loved the outline of images with everyone in the front and the suns rays coming through the clouds {and I didn't use an App for this one}!

I received many compliments from this picture and it's amazing to know it was from a camera phone too!

As well as this one from my BLOG   yesterday, that was taken from my cell phone as well.

I have the Droid Incredible and was jealous of those I-phone people who got to play around with their cool picture Apps, until I recently found the Camera360 App from the Android Market.  You can play around with colors and lighting and put pictures together like I did at the market!  Fun!

I mean... how would you ever be able to document and text or tweet to the world what you ate, without one?

or send your husband that sexy skin pic, just to get a laugh from him!  OK so now I've spent over an hour looking through the 1000+ pics on my current phone {and this one is rather new} wow.  I have volumes of priceless moments of my life and family and fun memories, all thanks to a camera on my phone!  Whatever did we do without them?  Have you ever taken a surprisingly great picture on your phone's camera?  What was it of?


  1. Some of my phone pics are better quality that my actual Kodak camera!

  2. Do you have an I-phone? Those take the greatest pics. You are very creative with your photography, Wendy.

  3. I know what you mean Kristina! Jill I have a Droid Incredible and thanks!

  4. These are awesome pics!!! I love the dessert!!! The cherry alone looks so yummy!!! Found you from Wild Child's comments.

  5. Oh thanks Bridget! I've been friends with Megan {Wild Child} for many years now. Love her! Thanks for coming over. It's great to meet you too. I love new friends!


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