Friday, September 9, 2011

Snickerdoodle Cookies {Recipe}

It's back to school now and every child deserves a delicious fresh-from-the-oven treat when they arrive home from a hard day of learning!  This is one of the fun parts of getting back to a routine that I LOVE!

Snickerdoodle Cookies are so simple to make and a definite crowd pleaser!  Delicate and crisp outside but cakelike inside, with a perfect sprinkling of cinnamon.   Seems like I've been making them all of my life.  So I share my old-fashioned recipe with you {which was torn from the pages of an unknown magazine over 30 years ago!}.  There are different recipe variations out there but they are all very similar to this.

 Snickerdoodle Cookie Recipe  

1 cup  butter {softened}
1 1/3 cups sugar
2 eggs
1 teaspoon vanilla
3 cups flour
1 teaspoon baking soda
1 teaspoon cream of tartar
1/4 teaspoon salt

For Cinnamon Sugar Mixture:
2 teaspoons ground cinnamon
3 Tablespoons sugar

1.  In a large bowl mix together butter and sugar until creamy.
2.  Beat in eggs and vanilla.
3.  Now I mix in {very well} baking soda, cream of tartar, and salt.

4.  Now add in flour gradually and mix thoroughly.

5.  Form your dough into small 1 inch balls.

6.  Blend your Cinnamon Sugar Mixture and place in a small bowl.  Roll your balls into this mixture until covered.

7.  Place 2 inches apart on a greased cookie sheet.  Bake in a 375 F oven for about 11 minutes. 

8.  Let them cool for a couple of minutes before placing them on a baking rack to cool completely {that is if the whole batch isn't devoured by this time}!  Store them in an airtight container.  This recipe makes about 4 1/2 dozen delicious cookies!

What can be better than this perfectly simple cookie?  Well maybe eating more than one!  Yes I do believe that there is not much better than ANY homemade cookie eaten right out of the oven!  So tell me... why does fresh cookie dough taste so good?  Wish you all could come over for a bite!


  1. LOVE snikerdoodles- think I need to go bake some now.

  2. YUM!!! Snickerdoodles are one of my all time favorite cookies and these look totally AWESOME! There's just something about that simple cinnamon/sugar combination that you just can't beat! (and that includes cinnamon toast, cinnamon rolls, etc, etc, etc!)

  3. Oh, Wendy...THANKS for sharing this recipe! Our local apple farm sells these in the fall and I am in love with snickerdoodles. I have never tried to make them, but will try your recipe. Your photos are awesome, as usual!

  4. Those are the best looking snicker doodles I've seen!

  5. I love to make these in the Fall~~ Your cookies look very yummy!
    I will check out your recipe Wendy!
    Thank you :))

    Kay Ellen

  6. Thanks for all of the buzz and messages and excitement I received on this recipe! I hope you all had a chance to try them!

  7. I am not really of the baking type, I'm an absolute beginner, but I soon may get a chance watching you doing some excellent homebaking an lend a happy hand (no garantue on the result given hereby!).

  8. AWESOME!!!!! Thks sooooo... much for the Recipe;)


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