Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Remembering 9-11

My Las Vegas View of the Statue of Liberty
We Will Never Forget

Every time I drive down the Las Vegas Strip, 
past our version of the Statue of Liberty at New York New York Hotel,

 I think of 
every early immigrant who has gone before and sacrificed for us, 
every branch of the military who has fought for our freedom, 
every brave firefighter
police officer that look out for us 
all of the innocent lives that were tragically lost on 9-11. 

We will never forget!

What are your memories?



  1. Lovely post, Wendy.

    I remember visiting Vegas in February 2002 and walking with the kids around the NYNY Hotel & Casino and seeing all the firemen, police officer t-shirts around. Of course, now it's all encased in glass, but then it was out in the open and lots of people left flowers, etc.

  2. A very nice post, Wendy.

    My memories of 9-11 was disbelieve. How could anybody do this to our country. I was amazed in how we all came together as one. I remember going to Las Vegas and seeing the huge memorial in front of the NYNY Hotel.

  3. Shock! We had just left there a week earlier taking tons of pictures of that very building that was hit. Couldn't believe it as it was happening. It's weird to see it now and it's transformation. Always good to remember so you can look forward :-)

    1. Good tip Lala! Yes it was shocking indeed! Thanks.


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