Friday, May 6, 2011

Hummingbird Mother {Garden}

There is nothing quite like the dedication and pure love of a Mother, otherwise know as "Mother Love", and the hummingbird in my garden is no exception!

In the heart of Hummingbird Heaven, on the corner of Hummingbird Lane and Hummingbird Way, near the Hummingbird Mailbox,  in the backyard of a real Hummingbird lover, next to the Hummingbird Windchime, you will find this truly dedicated Hummingbird.

She lives in the far corner of my patio.  I am so happy that this happened right in this very spot.  Since it is next to my kitchen doors I can easily spy on her from inside, both day and night!

I purchased two of these metal ornamental chandeliers about fourteen years ago.  Right away one of them was taken over by a hummingbird!  I have not used it or even touched it since because I am afraid they won't come back.  I know that if you touch nests then they will be abandoned so I am very careful when I am spying on my birds!

Here is the incredible nest!  This nest was started 14 years ago and has been used at least twice every Spring since that first year!  Yes, every year I watch two sets of mothers and two sets of babies come to this particular nest!  It is a perfect spot for a nest being in such a protected spot!   

I am so intrigued and love it!  I have at least ten Hummingbird Nests around my home that I can see.  This one is above my herb garden.  I also watch one outside of my second story bedroom window, that is in my huge Oak tree!  I'm sure there are more because I see hummingbirds everywhere!

This year is no exception!  She is back and for many weeks I have been curiously watching my Mother Hummingbird!  She carefully flies around and adds  to the ever-growing nest.  She makes sure that she places bits of fluff that will make a comfortable home for her babies.  She patiently sits on her nest day after day and night after night {I watch her when I turn on the light in the middle of the night as well!}.  Knowing that only she can take care of her babies the way that she would want them to be taken care of!

I know she is watching me when I do go outside and try to sneak peeks and take pictures!  She usually leaves me alone {and probably thinks I am crazy}!

I've been watching her again for a while, so finally during Spring Break, I get on my stool to take a peek!  I finally see these jelly-bean sized eggs!

Followed by Easter, when I was checking on her some more and wondering if she was enjoying her day!  I actually watch her multiple times throughout every day!  Nothing stops this Mother from doing the job that she must do!  This always reminds me of  the story "Horton Hears A Who" and how he refuses to leave!   Day in and day out, no matter the weather or what ever else might be going on!  She is always there doing her job!

FINALLY!  This morning when I am out water flowers and checking on Mother Hummingbird, I check the nest again.  She goes away to feed and then I get my stool out to look!  I spy the tiniest yellow beak that I have ever seen!  I carefully put my hand up so you can see the true size.  {It is really hard for me to get good pictures at that height and angle and quickly while she is away, so I hope you can make it larger so you can see details too!}

Like clockwork, the baby hummingbirds have been born this morning and still have pieces of shells on them!  Every year on Mothers Day it seems we have another batch of baby hummingbirds and I am left pondering the powerful force of Mother Love as I watch this Mother Hummingbird prepare for, and patiently do her duty  while waiting and sitting on them, and then lovingly feed and care for them!  For in a weeks time I will continue to watch her feed and nurture them.  Until finally when she will help them be on their own and fly away!  They usually linger around for a couple for weeks, in the same nest and then they are on their way.  I have read that they come back to the same spot every year so I am sure that this is part of a family that has had generations born here at my home, which is now their home!

Today my thoughts are of this Mother Hummingbird and the love she has for her new babies that hatched just this morning.  Everyone has a Mother, even a baby hummingbird!  I dedicate this post to Mothers all over the world {of any type} and especially to those who have the desire for Mother Love but are not able to manage it {for whatever reason} at this time...

                                          HAPPY MOTHERS DAY

May each of you take a moment to enjoy your weekend, no matter what you find yourself doing, in your own special way!

 UPDATE:  In a file from pictures of last years Mothers Day I have found pictures of the two baby hummingbirds born at Mothers Day!  See how big they get quickly.  These were taken right before they flew away!


  1. I am in love with that chandlier!

  2. This is absolutely amazing. I have never seen a hummingbird nest, and to have not only this one, but several all around your yard is a miracle in my mind. Thank you for sharing such a treasure.

  3. WOW. That was such an amazing story, and you are a GREAT story teller! How amazing that you have been able to have such a wonderful opportunity to witness (and nurture) so many cycles of these sweet little birds! Their nests are so interesting - everything about them is so interesting (and TINY!). And you obviously have a home that they really love and gravitate toward!

    Thank you for sharing such terrific information and all your cute photos! I can see why they would be so special to you. And just so you know? A hummingbird came right to my window just now to say hello as I was writing this! TRULY! :)

    I think everyone is a mother in one way or another - or in many ways! You are amazing :) Happy Mother's Day Wendy! xoxoxo

  4. I LOVE hummingbirds but have never seen a nest. I really enjoyed this post!

  5. Thanks for stopping by my blog, but even more than that, thanks for your hummingbird post! I love the precious little birds too.

  6. Oh how sweet! I'm so jealous, I wish that I had some hummingbirds too!

    Thanks for stopping by my blog, feel free to visit often! :)

  7. this is soooo sweet! I think it is so beautiful that they come back to the same nest (which in itself is a site to It has to be fun waiting each year for mother hummer to come start her little family.

    Such a great event, thanks for telling this!

  8. Thank you All! I am truly happy to share my views of my dear little hummingbird {and story} with all of you, especially those of you who have never seen this! Each one of your kind words means a lot to me!

  9. I have a love for birds and especially hummingbirds. I love this post. I am soooo jeolous you had one nest so close to you. Great pictures and post.

  10. I am a bird lover. The nest and wonderful story about the hummingbirds makes my heart melt.

    Your pictures are fantastic! WOW!



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