Friday, January 20, 2012

Fitness Friday {Health}

When you hear this word do you cringe or get excited? 
What does it mean to you?

 Today I launch my new weekly feature that I'm calling
Fitness Friday
Where I will share tips for healthy living and anything else that has to do with fitness related topics.

Why fitness?

                    1.  Well, I have been involved with it in some way all of my life.
                    2.  I have had success with motivating others to include some form of fitness in their own lives.
                    3.  It's good for ALL of us!
                    4.  It's more fun if we do it with a friend!
                    5.  Why not?

Sometimes it is easy to be overwhelmed at the thought of Fitness.
I like to look at it as a fun and healthy lifestyle.

Fitness is playing in the park...

 Fitness is riding bikes with family...

Fitness is playing volleyball with friends...

Fitness is rollerblading by yourself just to get away...
or taking a walk outside where ever you may be.

So whether you have just trained and completed your first marathon...
or are a seasoned athlete...
or are just thinking of beginning to get healthy and add some type of fitness to your life...
YOU will want to keep an eye out on Friday's so...
we can ALL share and learn and inspire in this journey called life together.

I've been thinking of what Fitness means to me for the past month with plans to share this with you all.
This week I was pleasantly surprised to find the new NIKE campaign and fitness tracking system.

Running counts, Jams count, Style counts, Splits count, Basketball, soccer, tennis, football, snowboarding, skiing, lacrosse, baseball, softball - those all count.  Walking , flying , training, cardio, jumping, stacking, taking the stairs - they all count too.  The Nike+ Fuelband.

Life is a sport.  Make it count.

 Funny that I was thinking the same as they were.
you know what they say... "Great Minds"
Won't you join me for some fun?
So tell me...
What do you think of Fitness?


  1. OOoooh!!! Lovin' the new look in here, Wendy! Your header is beautiful. I am one who cringes at the word fitness, but I do it because I have I can keep up with my photography. Wish I had the athletic gene.

    1. Thank you Jill! Just walking is great fitness too.

  2. I would love to get back into playing racquetball.


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