Monday, January 9, 2012

How to Make Homemade Chicken Noodle Soup {Recipe}

Whether it's
* A perfect way to use up leftovers.
* An easy thing to make for dinner.
* COLD outside.
* A chance to try something new.
* A great thing to make when a cold bug has hit your house!

Whatever the reason... it's always the perfect time to make homemade soup!
 The magical powers of homemade soup are evident and have stood the test of time.


Besides being a comfort food, you gain an added benefit from the bones and marrow soaking and boiling in your pot.

Homemade Chicken/Turkey Noodle Soup 
On this particular day I used my leftover turkey from Christmas {which you can always freeze and save for later} but if you don't have one then an easy way to use this recipe for chicken soup is to purchase a rotisserie chicken {I often do this} and throw it in your pot!

NOTE~ Since I used a turkey I made my soup in a huge 16 quart stock pot but when I do a regular size chicken soup I use a large stock pot.  {I will share measurements for a large stock pot which I make regular chicken soup in.}  Don't be afraid to make a huge pot because you can put half in the freezer for later when you are sick or need a quick dinner!  You will thank yourself later.

8 quart stock pot {or larger 16 quart if making more or using a turkey} 
whole chicken/turkey {pre-cooked}  - see notes below
8 - 10 carrots
5 stalks of celery
1 med. yellow onion
1 lb. of noodles of your choice {more if using huge pot for turkey} - see below
seasonings - see below
4 quarts {16 cups} water or double that amount if using huge pot for turkey

1.  Fill pot a little more than half way with water.
2.  Place your turkey or chicken bones, skin and all in your pot {I'm using leftover or already cooked turkey}.
3.  Season and let simmer an hour or more.  I use:
          garlic salt, pepper, 4 bay leaves, 6 sage leaves, 2 celery stalks, 2 carrots, 1 yellow onion { I take one slice of this onion and chop it up tiny then put the rest in whole},  GrillMates Montreal Chicken Seasoning,
          For the turkey soup I also have the added flavor of the herbs I've stuffed it with when cooking {which I leave inside}
{Once it comes to a med high temp or boil then turn it down low.}  I put this pot on and do other things.  Now is a good time to make your Homemade Noodles if you want!

4.  Once soup has simmered as long as you want then take turkey/chicken out and get meat off the bones.  Use a strainer spoon to sift out any bones or skin left in the pot and discard.  Take out whole onion, celery, carrot.  {At this point you have chicken stock (if strained) if you want to save it for just that and not make soup.}

5. While still on stove on low, place meat back into the pot now.
6.  Add sliced carrots and celery.  {I often add a bag of frozen corn but today I didn't have any.}
7.  Bring back to a low boil and then turn to medium heat and add your Noodles
     I made my NOODLES from scratch but of course you can use any noodles you have on hand, even a bag of dried egg noodles.  If you do not have time to make noodles not to worry!  You can still have homemade soup by using the secret noodles I keep on hand in my freezer for emergencies!  Grandma's Frozen Egg Noodles have been a favorite of mine for years!  Or Reames Frozen Egg Noodles are good as well if you can't find Grandma's!  People will be impressed!  You will LOVE the way they taste and how close to homemade they are!

I now cook the noodles {about 20 minutes until soft} and then turn on low until served.  At my house people are coming in at all times so I keep it very low and it's usually serve yourself!

Easy isn't it!  There isn't really a reason not to make some with easy tricks like~
* using a premade rotisserie chicken
* using premade Grandma's frozen noodles
* keeping carrots, an onion, celery stocked in your fridge at all times

I hope YOU never open a can of chicken soup again!

I hope that you never get so sick that you need a bowl of my homemade chicken noodle soup, but if you do, you know where to get it, or make it now!  This is the perfect thing to do with your leftover turkey too!  So tell me, what kind of homemade soup is a favorite to have simmering on your stove?


  1. I am sick @ home with a froggy sounding vce. Have slept all day & opened up a can of Campbell's chkn noodle soup. I made homemade last wk & alas , all gone now. Too sick to go shopping too. When i make mine i use chicken broth instead of water. Never heard of just plain H2o. + i use uncooked chkn w/the skin on to give the broth it's flavor. My mother's recipe. Yours looks delicious. Do u make deliveries? Lol

  2. Theresa I'm sorry to hear you have been so sick. Get better soon so we can go to lunch! My recipe is for making your own chicken stock. Most people do use chicken broth to make their soup though.


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