Friday, January 27, 2012

Reasons to Run {Fitness}

Sharing some more Fitness Friday Love today

I was inspired by something a friend of mine wrote and started thinking about MY own "why's" of fitness.

1.  I choose to make exercise a part of my life and be happy about it.
2.  I have always enjoyed yoga, pilates, weights and walking.
3.  Until 2 years ago I NEVER ran a step in my life due to asthma.
4.  2 years ago I needed to be an example to my children in having an active lifestyle. 
5.  I now run with them when I can and support them in this.
6.  I am lucky to have a husband who has taught in the fitness industry for over 10 yrs.
7.  I am happy to have children who now motivate me into going to the gym when I don't want to!

OK enough about me.  I want you to hear about my friend!
You need to meet my friend Kelly from According to Kelly.  
She also runs a very popular website Just Spotted in Orange County.  
It's a guide to living, visiting and dreaming about Orange County.  
I met her a couple of years ago at Bloggy Boot Camp.

Besides being darling, creative, smart, enthusiastic and just plain fun...
she also runs and integrates a healthy lifestyle with her family!
Besides running for your health, like many, or running to motivate children, like me,
Kelly has another fabulous reason and you really need to read
to hear all about it.  Her story will inspire you!
So friends do click on her link here!

You're AWESOME Kelly so keep up the great work you are doing for yourself and others!

So tell me...
Do you have someone that motivates you or are you the one that motivates someone else?
Don't you just love Kelly and her story? 

With Fitness it really does help to have a partner that you are accountable to.
So come on now, get off that couch and RUN or WALK, even if it's just to the other room!
YOU can do it!


  1. I love Kelly! I follow her Just Spotted site all the time when we are down in OC, which is a few times a year. i love to run too, but haven't done much of it since the babies were born. Need to get that and yoga back into my life I'm so off balance without it!

    1. Thanks Stefanie! It is hard to get into a routine with children. Just take it one day at a time and add what you can.

  2. Love this post Wendy! Your making me want to put on some running shoes and get up early tomorrow..hmmmmm...well on other hand, I'll just watch the experts. Love Kelly too!! She's inspiration from the word go.

    1. Ha! Thanks! I suggest getting up late, having some fun, and just run/walk around when you can!

  3. This is a great post Wendy! Not only do I love your picture from the Marathon, but I LOVE Kelly too! She is super sweet, smart, and savvy! She rocks, and SO DO YOU!!

  4. Replies
    1. Well thanks so much! I just have to know my limits and take it slow with the asthma but at least I am out there. Mind over matter and determination got me through this last half marathon as I was suffering from a respiratory infection but couldn't disappoint my children by backing out and ended up with the same great time as last year!


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