Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Flowering Herbs {Garden}


Sometimes, when you take a moment to look at things, really close up, you find something amazing!
Like this Cilantro that I left to grow and go to seed.
Each of these tiny daisy like flowers are smaller than a pin head!
Nature is always amazing me!

What have you stopped to really look at lately?


  1. Pretty cilantro flowers. I have never seen them boefore.

    Today I watched some turtles sitting on a log in a small lake, soaking up the sunshine. There were about 12 or 13 of them... so neat to see that.

  2. As my daughter and I jogged this morning we stopped to check out a really neat tree. The bark had an amazing pattern. It was a great excuse for mom to catch her breath as little miss marathon runner ran circles around it.

  3. So true so many amazing things we'll miss if we don't take the time to slow down and really "see" them. Thanks for the reminder!

  4. Your posts are always so pretty Wendy. Love this looks almost surreal!

  5. Hi Wendy,

    The cilantro is beautiful. I never saw it flower before. I just planted some and hope to get the same beautiful show of flowers.



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