Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Nature Inspired Photography {Photography}

Nature is a great place to find inspiration for any project you are working on!  It's also a fun place to do homework if you are in a high school photography class {or the designated driver of the student}!

My inspirational day of photographing nature began much earlier and you can see all of the pictures, in yesterday's story found here  http://wendyshat.blogspot.com/2011/03/natures-inspiration-me.html

So I've taken the marathon runner/son home, and after lunch I return to Red Rock Canyon with my photographer/daughter.  I was lucky enough to spend the rest of the day having my own photo shoot, surrounded by the many beautiful views that nature has to offer me!

 We got to hike all around here in the dry river beds.

We also climbed around on the amazing red rocks and looked like little ants, as did the other people you see in my picture!

I stop for a moment, for proof that I actually was there! {Hey all of this getting up early, climbing and carrying camera's is hard work!}

There is beauty in the contrast of seeing the red rocks through the dead branches.

There is beauty and inspiration in the way many layers of colors are in the rocks.

I stop to look up and find another amazing view!

Another inspiring view along a ledge.

Sometimes the climbing is tricky when you want to get the perfect view!

But it is worth it when we find a perfect spot for viewing light and shadow on these incredible sandstone rocks!

More inspiring views showing the layers of the sandstone and how the light shines through the cracks in the rocks formations!

I loved the smooth edge of this rock that has broken off from above {probably many, many years ago}.

I loved how these huge hard boulders have lines that make them seem so soft.

Nature's own chair!

I would love to take this gigantic boulder home with me.  No room in the car! Maybe next time!

We spot a lizard {who has welcomed us into his home for the day}!

We spot more of natures unique coloring with this moss type growth on the rocks.

We spot a shrub that has chosen to bloom where he was planted and bring some much needed green beauty to this canyon!

On our way back down we look up to see some climbers with ropes going right up the side of a flat mountain!  We are coming back to climb to the top, but not this way!

I took a shot of her and this photo she was taking ended up to be a favorite that she is printing for her project!  How fitting that I got this shot because it was her homework that brought us here this day!

We are truly blessed.  So much inspiring beauty that nature has to share with all of us!  What are the inspiring views that nature has offered you lately?  If you can't remember then maybe it's time to get out and find some of these inspiring views!


  1. What a tough homework. This is wonderful and the pics look great. If only I had such nature to take a walk through. You inspired me to take a walk along the lake tomorrow to hopefully see the first signs of spring.

  2. Red Rock Canyon is amazing... and so are your photos! :)

  3. Thanks! Happy to share my views and maybe inspire you too.
    @Monique- You have great views in your part of the world that I never get to see. Take that walk!
    @Carolyn- You are too kind! Thank you for following my journey.

  4. Beautiful photos, Wendy! Love the ones of your daughter with her camera...in some tight spaces! Love those red rocks!

  5. Thanks Jill! That means a lot coming from someone talented like you. You would love her photographs. She was already talented before she even started this class.

  6. Wendy, you are such an awesome and supportive mom! I love the close up photo you took of her getting a good light/shadow pic :) And bless your heart, you really and truly *love* the desert!!! You are always so enthusiastic about it :) That's so cool - you make up for how much I loathe the desert with every fiber of my being! LOLOLOL! :D

    P.S. I'm gonna check out your photos too!


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