Thursday, March 17, 2011

St. Patrick's Day Clover {Garden}

My views this St.Patrick's Day are of clover, or as many like to call it "Lucky Shamrock".  The variety I chose is called Oxalis tetraphylla.  I loved the contrasting color found in each leaf. 

We have been enjoying perfect Spring weather since last week and that has me busy in my garden.  Here are a few of my herbs for potting. 

I couldn't help myself and I came home with this wonderful clover, just in time for some St. Patrick's Day fun!  All shamrocks are really clover.  Shamrock comes from the word "seamrog" which means "little clover" and there are hundreds of varieties.  This sweet variety has wonderful color in it and has a bonus of vibrant pink flowers that will bloom! {You know I am all about pink and flowers!}

 I love how the delicate leaves close up when not in the sun!

So what does cabbage have to do with my St. Patrick's Day adventure?  Well I couldn't help myself and had to come up with another way to enjoy my Lucky Shamrock before I give it a wonderful home in my garden.  So I...

opened out the leaves on this beautiful cabbage and cut out the very center {for eating}...

then I placed it in this fabulous green ornate bowl...

then I placed the clover, pot and all, into a plastic bag...

and finally I placed the clover, pot in bag and all, into the cabbage that is sitting in the bowl.

Now I have the perfect centerpiece for my St. Patrick's Day table!

I'm off now to get dressed, wearing my lucky green, read an Irish tale or two, pick up my Irish soda bread from the bakery and head over to my Mother's House for a dinner of Corned Beef and Cabbage , tune back in tomorrow for that.  What are you doing on this fine St. Patrick's Day?

I leave you with a favorite Irish blessing from a favorite little Leprechaun book...

Wishing you joys that are lasting and true,
A heart that's not troubled or gray,
Friends who will travel life's pathway with you. {me!}
And the luck of the Irish each day.


  1. It's been really overcast here. I need some of that nice, spring weather!

  2. Yes you do Kristina! I'll try to send it up North to you.

  3. I love that green salad pottery you made!! This could only come from a creative butterflying mind like yourself (certainly not from me!). We don't have St. Patricksday around here, so no green and clovers or stories on this part of the earth.
    But it's nice to read about another tradition.

  4. Send your spring weather our way...still cold here. Love your shamrocks!

  5. So pretty & clever!
    Love all of the graphics on your Irish literature : )

  6. @Jill - We had a cold snap this weekend. Where is the real Spring hiding this year?
    @Dianna - Thanks!

  7. Oh Wendy, you are really something else :)


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