Saturday, March 26, 2011

Signs of Spring {Garden}

"I looked out the window and what did I see?  Popcorn popping from the {my} apricot tree!  Spring has brought me such a nice surprise...popcorn popping right before my eyes!"  These words from a Primary Children's Songbook come to mind every year when Spring is emerging and bringing me so many wonderful treats! {This really is the view looking out my Music Room window at my Apricot Tree.}

Being a lover of everything floral, I get so excited when I spot the first sign of Spring in my yard!  The Ornamental Flowering Pear tree in my backyard is always the first thing to bloom.  It's usually early February when the temperature is cold and the rest of the blossom world is still hibernating.

This tree is in full view from my large upstairs bathroom window and I love walking in one morning to find it bursting with white popcorn like blossoms!  This gets me excited to know that Spring is on its way!  I now keep my eyes open for more signs of Spring!

Then these delicate blossoms appear on my Apricot Tree!

Next to bloom is my neighbors Ornamental Flowering Cherry Tree, which luckily hangs into my yard and covers most of a side entrance and gate of mine.

Suddenly the bulbs emerge and my Paperwhites arrive, with their oh-so-fragrant smells, and I am in heaven!  I am lucky that here in the desert these bloom both Spring and Fall since we have two growing seasons!

Now I spy a creamy Daffodil!

And even a few bright and cheerful yellow Daffodils {I usually only plant shades of pink,purple, whites, with a few pops of red in my garden.}

The roses that I trimmed back this Winter are sprouting new leaves and I find the first bud of the season!

I spy a favorite budding blossom and get really excited!  This beauty will be revealed to you soon!  You will want to keep an eye out to see it in all its magnificent glory!

What is this?  The first weed of the season?!  Dandelions that my turtles love to dine on!  Oh well I guess that Spring brings more that we ask for sometimes!  What is your first sign of Spring?


  1. I love spring. These are all so beautiful!

  2. Thanks Kristina! You always make me smile :)

  3. So beautiful! Thanks for sharing these lovely signs of Spring. We're a bit behind seasonally here in Bellingham (WA), so it's nice to see that Spring is indeed on it's way.

    Right now, we have crocus and heather blooming, and the tops of the daffodils and tulips are up. I can hardly wait for warmer weather!


  4. Thanks Cindy! Sounds like Spring is ready to burst for you as well! Spring Fever is here!

  5. Wendy, just what I needed after a stressy morning at work...floral beauty to get my thoughts set to other things...Thanks!

    Your garden is looking good....again as always!

  6. Your yard is so beautiful wendy. I envy it! Yay for spring and warm weather. I can hardly wait to take baby davis swimming!!

  7. Thank you girls for your kind comments. I love my garden!

  8. LOVE all the beautiful photos, Wendy! We still have SNOW and tomorrow is April! Your flowers are very different from ours. Yours are sooo pretty!

  9. I just LOVE flowering trees! I wish they could stay flowering for longer than they do. The PINK ones are my very most favorite! You've got some amazing pics of flowering trees on your Pinterest pages!

  10. Gorgeous! Thank you for sharing. Am new to LV & learning desert gardening. Especially love your wisteria which I hope to have in my garden someday.

  11. This comment has been removed by the author.


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