Friday, March 18, 2011

St. Patrick's Day Meal {Recipe & Tradition}

St. Patrick's Day has come and gone and I am still stuffed!  Thanks to my wonderful Mother {and fabulous cook} my children were able to enjoy some of the American traditions enjoyed by many on this fine St. Patrick's Day!  We dined on Corned Beef and Cabbage.

This dish is simple but does take hours for the fresh corned beef to simmer.  For more tips on cooking corned beef click here.  

In a pot, My Mother simply adds these ingredients {amount would depend on how much you are making}.

Fresh Corned Beef {sliced}
cabbage {cut into large chunks}
carrots {peeled and cut in half}
potatoes {peeled and cut into quarters}
yellow onion {peeled and sliced}
celery {cut in half}
green beans

All of this put into a pot of water.  She only sprinkles a bit of Lawrys Season Salt and simmers for hours.

I don't like meat so here is what my bowl of delicious dinner looked like!  Typical of a kid to pick out what they don't like!  Sorry mom!

I also picked up a loaf of Irish Soda Bread from my friend Aimee over at Great Harvest Bread Company.  I've been going to her for bread and treats since she opened here years ago.  I'm an original customer!  Before her I made bread every week.  Now I just do it for fun!  They grind their own wheat for the flour and everything is so fresh!

Irish Soda Bread is made with baking soda instead of yeast so it has a dense texture to it.  This loaf is wheat based and had brown and golden raisins in it.  It is not sweetened, only from the raisins.  My family was skeptical but one bite and it was devoured in no time!

I won this lucky green charm bracelet at a quilt class one year.  Must be lucky so I wore it today!  Did you wear green or do I need to pinch you? Another fun tradition for this day that we American's follow!


  1. Here am I looking at your deliciously looking food. My mouth is wathering. It's still in de morning but that wouldn't stop me from taking a few bites fromt this bowl (if I could). Yummie!

  2. Thanks Monique! It was delicious!

  3. I feel like I am the only one who doesn't like corned beef!

  4. I don't eat it either Kristina {just the veges}!!!

  5. I completely forgot to wear green! But I did make corned beef with potatoes, cabbage with carrots, and gluten-free Irish soda bread. Yum.

    Love the bracelet!

  6. This looks wonderful- and not just for St. Patrick's Day! Thanks for sharing.

  7. Ultimate comfort food~YUM!
    Adore traditions, Wendy!


  8. @Cindy- {pinch} and YUM to you too!
    @Miri & Lenore - Thank you!

  9. I like corned beef every once in a while, if it's really lean - but that IRISH SODA BREAD! WOW! That looks and sounds amazing! What I would give for a Great Harvest Bread Co. here - everyone has one but us! LOL!


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