Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Grand Canyon National Park {Travel}

When I heard that Smoky the Bear had a color coordinated hat, I couldn't help but jump in the car!  I mean who can pass up a photo op like that?!

Besides, it was a great opportunity to visit this part of the country again for a Spring Break trip.  Family road trips {with me} are always an adventure! {And what a "Grand" tale it is, so put your feet up for a few and enjoy the pictures!}

Some things in nature are so awe inspiring and majestic that one is left speechless.  The Grand Canyon National Park is certainly one of those places.   It seems to take my breath away every time I see it.  Lucky for me I live fairly close so I am able to take advantage of that and visit rather easily.

Everyone has their cameras out to get that perfect picture!

Of the beautiful rock formations...

and the oh so deep, and interesting lines.

There is a view through every tree, along the miles of pathways which run along the edge of the canyon.

There is a ledge...

and vista point...

at every turn...

with yet another spectacular view, that never seems to get old.

Ever! {I could have stayed there and explored for weeks!}

There are trails that run all the way to the bottom, if you so desire.  This is an all day {or two if you stay down there on the bottom overnight} trip which we will save for another time.  This was a last minute trip and we had too many other things to see this week.

So I risk my safety to go out on the rocks...

and I {carefully} take a peek over the edge...

I pose for a picture...

I force Mr. C to pose with me {so we can prove that we were together} for a picture...

or two!

I nearly lose my hat when I lean back too far over the edge...

I make everyone wait as I look at yet another view or interesting thing, and take another picture {I took hundreds and it is so hard to narrow them down}!

Funny how they suddenly have to time to stop...

 when they want their picture taken!

Then there is the one in the bunch that I must trick to ever get in front of my camera!

So I go into the Kolb Studio, which was a place for artists to stay and paint many years ago.

I also go into the Inspirational Lookout Studio...

which is nestled into the mountaintop...

and blends in because of the wonderful rocks it is made out of.  I am inspired by these designs.

Across the way you can see the lodge.  We also walk around to that one and beyond...

on yet more beautiful paths {with never ending views}...

enjoying the wildlife along the way.

We walk on the trail of geological time...

passing many different rocks, such as the Grand Canyon's oldest rock {which is 1,840 million years old}!

Taking time to look through these {oh so cool} scenic locators...

 in which you can see the bottom of the canyon, and the river below, the hanging bridge near the bottom and on and on! {Fuzzy pic because my poor little camera has never zoomed so far!}

We learned more interesting facts at the Geology Museum {among others} that we stopped on our walk along the edge.

We saw so many interesting {and old} benches that made me wonder, who had sat on them throughout the years?

And finally we come to the Hopi House...

with it's incredible architecture, that has stood the test of time.

They still run the gift shop where they sell their handmade pottery.

Just look at how thick the walls are...

and how they insulate the building.

I felt so welcomed with their door being so tiny {just my size}!

I could have just moved right in to the porch at the lodge {but alas we have other places to go}.

So I gather up my tired family...

and head back to civilization, where we get a bite to eat...

after we leave our guns at the door that is!

I hope you enjoyed your tour of the Grand Canyon, brought to you from underneath the view of Wendys Hat!  {I must mention that this trip we went to the South Rim which is located in Arizona.  Last time we went to the North Rim which is located in Utah.}  Have you had a chance to see it in person?  If so, what was your memorable moment?

Shared this link at
Centsational Girl


  1. Oh I want to go back there so bad. I want to hike to the bottom! There's so much to do and see. How many hours did it take for you to drive there from LV?

  2. great photos, I still have yet to visit the Grand Canyon...

  3. I haven't been since I was a kid! We really need to get out more.

  4. YIKES!! You are too close to the edge! Glad you survived to share the beautiful pictures. LOVE the Grand Canyon! Wish I had better photo skills when we visited 6 years ago.

  5. Cheryl its about 260 miles from Las Vegas to the South Rim of the Grand Canyon {about 4hr. 25min} We left at night after work and drove to Williams, AZ {a quaint town along historic Route66} it was an easy 3 hrs or 200 miles. Then went into the Grand Canyon the next morning. You live close to the North Rim but there is a lot more to do at the South Rim. The hike down to the bottom {with switchbacks} is about 3 hours each way.

  6. Oh my that really felt like a far distance visual tour.....Are you trying to make me jealous? Well, it worked, haha! Awesome nature. You should consider yourself VERY lucky to live that close. Loved as always your humorous way of telling the story. And you tricked Chris into a shot, ha! And now I know mr C is still alive too.

  7. beautiful pictures! thanx for sharing :)
    ~Jill @ 'Just Dream, Jelly Bean!'

  8. Thank you ladies! Monique your postcards should be heading overseas to you as we speak!

  9. Okay, you nearly gave me a freaking HEART ATTACK standing that close to the edge... oh geez!!! Your pictures were AWESOME, and what a fantastic time to go - in the spring when it's not a gazillion degrees there! I loved seeing your family together too! But your enthusiasm about everything is always, ALWAYS my favorite part :)



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