Sunday, April 24, 2011

Honey Bunny Bread {Easter Tradition}

My Honey Bunny is wishing all of you a very lovely Easter {or Spring Sunday for those who don't celebrate}. 

May you eat a jelly bean or chocolate!  May you be with the one you love.  May you find a moment to think of something happy.  May you be able to have some fun in your day.  May you share a smile.  May you laugh out loud!  May you be content by just being YOU.

Had to share some crazy chocolate bunnies that I saw today at the French Chocolate shop in the Bellagio in Las Vegas.  Chocolate spaceship!

Chocolate bunnies in space suits! {They are always so creative in this shop!}

View from the back.

How about this 2 foot tall chocolate bunny or matching egg?!

Or tempting White Chocolate Fruit Egg!

Among the other treats!  Oh I'm sidetracked!  Back to Easter...

Spring flowers {Easter Lillies} remind me that all of us have the chance to renew ourselves, just as the flowers do when they come back each year.  I am personally thankful for the one who died for us that we might live again.  Life is good.  I'm thinking of each of you today too.  Happy Easter from Wendy and her hat!


  1. God Bless you, Wendy, Happy Easter!

    : )

    Julie M.

  2. Happy Easter to you too! Enjoy that honey bunny bread!

  3. That bread is so cute! I'm sure it tastes delicious too.

  4. The bunny bread looks amazing!

  5. Thank you ladies! I hope you all enjoyed your day too!

  6. Wendy, those pictures of the chocolate shop looks delicious! What a fun trip you must have had. One day I want to go to Vegas just to see the sights! Thanks for coming by my blog, I'm glad I could bring back some fond memories of the zoo for you. :) Hope you're having a blessed week.

  7. Thanks Jill and Jennifer! Yes there are some fun sights to see in Vegas!

  8. As usual I am late for the party... but I'm sure glad I still ended up coming! That bunny bread is absolutely ADORABLE!!! Wendy, you never cease to amaze me! Thank you for sharing your Easter thoughts with us too :)



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