Saturday, May 7, 2011

Doll Quilt & Bag {Sewing}

Everyone is a Mother!  Especially little girls who love their dollies!

So what do you do when you have a daughter who's doll is in need of a quilt that only a Mother could provide?  You grab your scraps and help your daughter make her dolly a simple patchwork quilt!

When you find out that there are extra squares of this "oh-so-soft" flannel fabric left, then you naturally help her to make her first bag!  Perfect for every girl to hold her books and treats and other treasures! 

Back the quilt, bind it... you're almost done!  Now you must make sure to label it so daughter and dolly remember that it was Made With Love and Kisses!

If you get lucky enough you can find a plain wood bed at your local hobby shop.  I had plans to paint this but have left it plain for years...someday...maybe...  I measured the bed and cut a piece of foam for the mattress and then measured the foam the same and covered it with matching flannel from the quilt.  Made a small pillow and stuffed it with cotton batting and there a perfectly comfortable bed is ready for dolly!  This makes your little tiny Mother very happy!

Finally dolly has a perfect bed to dream in while staying warm and snuggly underneath a handmade quilt by her little Mommy!  While big Mother is proud of little Mommy for taking such great care of her dolly baby!  Great place to learn and for the cycle to start all over again for the next generation of creative quilters and loving mothers to be!

What a perfect place to tote dolly and her quilt around in, but her own matching bag!  So tell me...don't you want a reason to make one now?

I've shared this on Just a Girl and Skip th My Lou  and Under the Table and Dreaming .


  1. Okay Wendy....... you are seriously just TOO CUTE FOR WORDS!!!!!!

    Happy Mother's Day my dear friend! I know 3 kids who are so blessed to have you as their mom! xoxoxo

  2. This is adorable! Thanks for sharing!

  3. Wow that is so cute my little girl would love it. I'm not sure my sewing skills stretch to quilts though. Well done Tina x x

  4. Thank you ladies!
    @Tina - This is the perfect thing to learn on for quilting! You can do it!

  5. are amazing smarty..i like your work & words too
    Keep it up :)

  6. I love how you photographed this, Wendy! You are SO creative and a great mom!

  7. What a cute quilt and bag. Your daughter will have so much fun with them.

    Thanks for visiting my blog.

  8. Thank you ALL for your kind words! I'm happy to see what you're all up to as well!


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