Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Gardening in the Desert {Garden}

Although it has it's own set of challenges, you can garden here in the desert and have a nice little crop, along with tons of fun!  Remember when I shared pictures of my Blossoms with you in March?  Well just look at how my little apricot tree is doing now!

This dwarf apricot tree is just perfect for the side of my front yard.

Anyways...It all starts with a trip to my local nursery {where I love to visit the turtles & fish}  and to pick up some things for my garden.  Here in the desert you can plant your garden as early as late February.

There are many vegetables, fruits, fruits trees, herbs and flowers that will grow here.  Also since our growing season starts early you should check the labels for early blooming and ripening plants.  This helps you to have success and gives you a better crop.  We also are lucky enough to have Fall as an additional growing season, with most plants slowing down in the middle of the hot Summer.

So I load up my wagon with with tiny plant and herbs, not forgetting to...

look at the PINK flowers and...

add some {of course} to my order!  I always seem to have a little spot that needs to be filled in somewhere!  We had an especially cold Winter this year and some of my flowers, that usually last year after year, finally got a little ragged looking.  I try to fill my gardens with flowers and herbs that will continue on every year and then just add more in spots in as needed.  For the past three years I have been spending half of my week out of town so my gardens need extra attention right now.

Oh and don't forget to pick up some lady bugs!  I love getting them and setting them free.  I see many every day when outside and I love it, along with the fact that they eat aphids!  {Speaking of lady bugs, this weekend I will share an update on my lady bug mystery - fascinating!}

I love herbs and use them everyday in my cooking!  They are so easy to grow too.  They do wonderful in pots and flower beds.  {This comes from my first garden experience as a child and growing strawberries in a large whiskey barrel.  I was hooked!  Then as a young newlywed and gardening in pots fit right into my apartment balcony life in Studio City.}

 I plant half of mine in pots.  They act like small raised flower beds, which is great for growing small things.  I remember my grandmother growing artichokes and other vegetable in old bathtubs in her backyard gardens.

I also have a designated area just outside my kitchen doors where I plant more herbs.  Then I sneak herbs in many of my flower beds, like this one surrounding my fountain.    I do this in part, because many herbs help with keeping bad bugs away, but really just because they smell terrific and grow so well year round here in the desert.

A peek at my sage already flowering!

Found a few basil that are flowering as well!  
{My basil does better in pots with afternoon shade, but most herbs love the sun!}

My all time favorite is the Lambs Ear!  
A must for any herb garden {I could just rub those fuzzy little leaves everyday}!

Tomatoes do very well here in the desert.  I especially love to grow the smaller cherry tomatoes.  I have some in pots as well as others in the ground next to my herb garden.  As with most of my vegetables, I place them where they will have afternoon shade.  Here in the desert this helps when temperatures get very high!

They are already starting to blossom!  My parents have a very large raised flower bed  near their pool, where the yard steps down, and their tomatoes do fantastic there as well.  I love it when they go out of town in the Summer and I have to walk down the street to babysit the tomatoes!  I love eating them everyday in the Summer!  There is not much better than that!

Here are some of my different types of lettuce.

 Look at how they're growing!  We've already been enjoying them!

This year I added a grapefruit tree to my citrus collection.  It's in my side yard Secret Garden.  Where I already have a tiny lime tree and a very productive Lemon Tree  {that I shared with you last Winter}!

They are all blossoming quite well and are so aromatic!  Citrus in the desert do well in pots {if they are the dwarf variety} but also do better near your home and protected from that afternoon sun.

I bought two new pomegranate  trees.  We had one at our old house years ago and I miss them.  So finally I am just doing it!

I planted only one grapevine for now.  In my old house I had a huge arbor built all along one side of my house just for grapes!  It was a dream!  My great grandmother grew them also here in the desert, many many years ago.  She had a huge yard with a garden house made of grapevines {next to her frog pond} and we would play out there for hours!

 I planted my childhood favorite!  Strawberries!

This year we are trying to grow a raspberry bush.  For years, in downtown Las Vegas, there was a French restaurant called Andre's and they had huge raspberry bushes growing on the side of their building.  Not usual for the desert but we will give it a try!

Probably the All-time BEST Gardening experience yet with my children was this!  A sneak peek for you because I will share the FULL story sometime after the end of the Summer!  I have a few other planted things that I will share with you later as well {a girls gotta keep something up her sleeve for later you know}!

So there you have it!  A bit of gardening here in my desert... and yes it is possible!  Whether you have a simple pot of herbs in your kitchen window, or potted strawberries on your downtown balcony, or a little patch in your yard for an herb garden, or a full garden and orchard out in the country...take a moment and do something fun for yourself and just plant it!  What is your favorite garden memory?  I'm dying to know!


  1. What an amazing garden! I have tried my hand at a few things this year...we'll see what we get.
    But I got some of my favorite flowers for sure....petunias!

  2. BEAUTIFUL garden!!

    I am blog hopping today and I am happy to stop by your blog!!

    Please stop by either or both of my blogs (and become a follower if you aren't one already):

    So Stylilized is where I am currently offering FREE Custom Blog Designs at http://sostylilized.blogspot.com

    Jessicas Lil Corner is where I blog about family and life at http://jessicaslilcorner.blogspot.com

    Have a Happy Wednesday! :0)

  3. wow. happy gardening. p.s. love your hat!!

  4. I'm impressed. When my parents lived in Henderson they couldn't get anything to grow. They had a nectarine tree that never produced an edible fruit!

  5. Wow, you have been very busy and industrious! And you sure do know your stuff! I think my favorite garden memory was when we lived in Studio City all those years ago and a dear person from the salon I worked in took time to go to the nursery with me, show me what FLOWERS were (lol), and helped me plant zinnias on my little apartment patio. It was just a sweet labor of love :)

  6. I just barely got around to planting my herbs .... basil, rosemary, ect. It is still so cold here in Utah.

  7. Cheryl - Good luck and I love Petunias!

    Jessica - Thanks for stopping by!

    Button Mad - {I love your name} and Thank you!

    Diane - Once you know the tricks to desert gardening in the desert it can be done. Sorry your parents didn't have a good experience.

    Megan - I love that story. How sweet of them to help you start a long time love of gardening. I've seen your patio!

    Amanda - My sister told me about the snow they had in Utah last week. Brr. Spring is on it's way up there for sure this week! Great you got a start on your herbs.

  8. Love your garden Wendy and you have just the right GREEN fingers for it. I lack the time, patience, and GREEN fingers to do it.....so I'll just admire yours :) and I love to see all your new additions and your stories to them.
    got some edelweiss this year from a friend in Switserland and only yesterday got a GO green card to plant. See what comes out of that? Will plant it soon.
    My favorite garden memories are when frogs decide to use our garden as a path or place for their wintersleep. I love to see them, big or small, and always need to touch them.

  9. thanks Monique! I look forward to seeing how your edelweiss grow! Frogs are great! We use to play with them as a child at my Grandmothers frog pond!

  10. This is so beautiful, Wendy! You did all these by yourself? Wow! How do you manage to take care of your garden? We also have a mini garden here in our home, but mom's the one who takes good care of it.

    1. Thanks Jamie! I do what I can but really love it, so I think that helps me a lot!

  11. The thought of gardening in the desert sounds quite absurd, but it’s actually quite possible. The thing is, when we talk about a desert, what we imagine is a vast land of golden sand. Anyway, for me it’s more fun to garden in the Southwest. It is challenging to create an easy-to-maintain landscape which will go well with the location. And I love challenges! :D

  12. I love those big pots of flowers! They really look gorgeous. Well, isn’t it great that every time you visit your garden you see the result of your hard work and how it paid off after exerting a lot of effort in making your garden beautiful? :)


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