Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Roses {Garden}

Plant a pretty rose bush, preferably PINK, outside of your window and you will always have something lovely to look at!  
My yard is stuffed with rose bushes!  
I actually stopped counting once after twenty-five!  
Spring has been here in the desert, where roses do rather well, for some weeks now and I've been dying to show you some of my favorites!  
So here they are, un-named, and in no particular order... 

 Miniature Pink Climbing Roses on my Garden Arch, around my front door, make me happy!

Red Climbing Roses, around the Arch on my Garden Gate, smile at me everyday!

I especially love these full, luscious, blood red beauties and every time I see them I think of "The Queen of Hearts" from "Alice in Wonderland" and want to say "Off with his head!"

 I love this rose called "Fourth of July"!  Can you spot the Bee that was visiting?

They are such little bursts of color that remind me of the explosion of Fireworks on The Fourth of July!

I have three of these climbing roses that are quick spreading and cover the Garden Wall on one side of my yard!

I planted this Rose Garden at the back of my house, next to my driveways, so I could pull up every day and be greeted by beautiful flowers!

I do know that this one is a Palace Rose because part of the tag has not faded!  
I just love the delicate and pale shade of blush and the full center, with what looks like three ruffled faces in it!

One of my Miniature Rose Bushes in a beautiful shade of Raspberry!

One of my Dusty Rose colored Miniature Rose Trees.  
I have three of them here in a row, along with other flowers, that line one side of my driveway!

I have many precious Pink Carpet Roses that spread across the ground!  
I highly recommend them for beginning gardeners, as they are easy to grow, spread quickly, and can be trimmed however you want {or not at all}.

I love this Bubble Gum Pink colored rose!

This one is more of a Dark Coral shade of Hot Pink!

This shade of Pink has more Purple in it!

Love this Pure Pink blossoming rosebud!

Love this Old-Fashioned Pale Purple Rose!

Love this Bright shade of Mauve!

Love this Hot Pink Beauty!

A Dark Coral Delight!

Another shade of Coral.  I love these full faced Old-Fashioned Roses!

A Perfect Red Rosebud!

This is a favorite picture of mine that, to me, represents "The Perfect Rose"!  
I love the shading of these beauties!  Nature, and the way it has colored our world, is incredible to me!

Check back tomorrow when I share with you what I decided to do with too many roses!  
So how did you like my visual treat?  
By now you've figured out that I LOVE the color PINK!  Right? 
Did you take time to smell the roses today?  I hope so!


  1. True eye candy indeed. They are fabulous!!

  2. Your gardens are so beautiful, and thank you for sharing so many lovely roses!

  3. WOW. I keep being amazed by those great roses of yours. After your previous blog one may think one has seen all of your garden, but I know for a fact there is always more to come...........roses......beautiful roses......lots of beautiful roses.
    You should have been born a PINK butterfly :)

    Enjoy your beatiful garden!

  4. Thanks all! I am so happy you enjoyed them as much as I did! They were too beautiful not to share!

  5. Wow, I know how much you love pink, but had no idea you had such a vast variety of roses - that is so cool! They would make me very happy too! I have never tried climbing roses but have always wanted to - yours are lovely! And I've never heard of carpet roses - I'm going to check those out too (can you use them as kind of a ground cover?). Thank you so much for sharing all your LOVELY ROSES with us!!! xoxo

  6. I just love pink flowers. Beautiful!

  7. HOLY MOLY...what a collection of gorgeous roses...they are beautiful! Wish I could garden as well as you :)
