Thursday, May 19, 2011

How to Make Cookies {Recipe}

BONUS *** Today I am sharing a cookie recipe that is a great base to make, then add your own special treats to make many different kinds of cookies!

 Just look at all the creations I whipped up today and from only one recipe!  Hang on now...I need to share my basic recipe with you first!

I've been making this recipe for as long as I can remember {over 35 years} so I know how great it works with many different flavors!  I still have it hand written on the little card I wrote it on as a girl.  Added BONUS *** This recipe makes double the batch of what a normal recipe makes so there is plenty of cookie batter to play with!  NOTE- I have written it the way I had it and then below I will share other variations I also make from the basic recipe! 

Best Cookies Ever * Wendys Hat Style

2 cups brown sugar
2 cups white sugar
2 cups butter
4 eggs
2 teaspoons baking soda
2 teaspoons baking powder
2 teaspoons vanilla
1 teaspoon salt
5 cups {dry} instant oatmeal
4 cups flour

First I creamed together the sugar, butter and eggs.  Then I add salt, baking powder, baking soda, and vanilla and mix to make this creamy mixture.

Next I add the oatmeal and mix again.

Now I add the flour and mix well.  The cookie dough with be thick.  The fun part begins as you add your special ingredients.  My original favorite that I always made just for me was as follows:

2 large 11 ounce bags of chocolate chips
3 cups of chopped walnuts
3 cups raisins
I love them thick and full of stuff.  I call them my "meaty" cookies!

Now bake at 400 degrees F {on an ungreased cookie sheet} for 6 - 8 minutes depending on the size you make your cookies.

This large recipe makes at least 6 dozen cookies, again depending on the size you make your cookies!

The combinations are really endless when it comes to adding things to your cookies!  Here are some combinations that I have tried before:
 raisins + walnuts
walnuts + chocolate chips
raisins + nuts + chocolate chips
craisins {dried cranberries} + raisins
pecans + white chocolate chips + craisins
butterscotch chips + pecans
peanut butter chips + chocolate chips
mini peanut butter cups {like the ones I shared here}
miniature M & M's
chocolate chips
butterscotch chips
Just to name a few!

Today I simply split my cookie dough and made four different {taking special orders from my family} delicious types of cookies!

Butterscotch Chip Cookies

Peanut Butter Chip and Chocolate Chip Cookies

Craisin, Walnut, Raisin and Chocolate Chip Cookies {my choice!}

Craisin & Raisin Cookies

So there you have it!  One perfect recipe that you can switch up any way you want it and still come out with the perfect cookie every time!  There's not much better in life than the perfect warm cookie fresh out of the oven and into your mouth!  So tell me...what is your favorite combination?


  1. Oooh...mmm...they look so yummy!!! My mom made "Everything cookies" sometimes when we were little. They had chocolate and butterscotch chips and were just heavenly...and if I don't stop reading all of your yummy recipes....I'm going to have to wear a mumu to Farm Chicks in 2 weeks.

    : )

    Julie M.

  2. You're too cute Julie! Besides it's Summer now and Mumu's rock!

  3. You always have such great recipes. I would leave out the raisins. Not my favorite!

  4. It's nice to have a recipe that's so versatile!

  5. I better go eat breakfast before I make these and eat every single one!

  6. Your photos are beautiful and make the cookies look irresistible. I'm looking forward to trying them!

  7. I am going to make them today for Chloe's Bake Sale!
    Michele Walker

  8. Thanks ladies for all the cookie love!

    @Michelle - Chloe will be happy because these are sure to be a sell out!

  9. I am sure any version of these cookies would be great. I will leave the cooking to others, but certainly enjoy the eating. I love your header.

  10. Wendy, this is *AWESOME* I am thrilled you are sharing this! I love "meaty" cookies too - I was delighted to read oatmeal was involved, hehe! And your photos are great - you really have a terrific eye :)

    Happy Friday!!!


  11. Yum, baking delish cookies is so satisfying. Wish I had more time to bake! Great pics & presentation too!

    -caroline @ c.w.frosting

  12. These sound divine. Your photography is just beautiful, Wendy!

  13. These cookies all look wonderful! Thanks for sharing!


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