Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Sago Palm {Garden}

 Sometimes you find natural beauty in the strangest ways! 

Palm trees are beautiful and you see plenty of them here in the desert but they don't really fit in well with my love of English Country Gardening.    I do have this Sago Palm that my son {when he was little} had to have instead of picking out a flower to add to my garden!

This morning I glanced over to see a fun surprise!

A new bud!  {Don't you love the way the ivy has grown up into the center of this Sago Palm?}

Just look at the fuzziness of these soft and fuzzy tendrils that are starting to emerge!

I love watching the growing process!  Nature is incredible isn't it?  WOW!  Now on with my day.  Hope yours is great and that you stop and take a moment to see the beauty that surrounds you!


  1. Wendy,

    OMG your Sago Palm is amazing. I adore English Country gardening but if I could grow this beautiful palm I would. Only problem is I’m in zone 6.

    I bet your son is thrilled to see how his gift has grown.

    Happy gardening,

  2. what a lovely post,, I just found you ,, i'm a newbie and I'm you're newest follower!

  3. AWESOME photos Wendy! What brand and model of camera do you have? You've got me curious! :)

  4. That is so very cool! I hope you have a beautiful weekend, Wendy!

    : )

    Julie M.

  5. @Dee - One has to be creative where ever they live {especially in the desert} to achieve a real English Country Garden look. I do what I can.

    @Laurie - Great to meet you! I love new friends and will be over to check you out real soon!

    @Megan Dear - Thanks for your {always} kind words to me! I have a dumb little stupid automatic camera and I cross my fingers {and spend a lot of time} to try to get the pictures I want! Sometimes I get lucky! I dream of a great and fancy camera {so I can learn to use it} but my girls need theirs for photo class among other things that always seem to come up!

  6. Thank you Julie. I hope things go well for your brother this weekend. Take care.

  7. Wendy, thanks for letting me know about your camera! And don't fret about your girls rockin' the fancy camera instead of you... know why? I have a fancy camera and most of the time I want to throw it right through a window. My stupid little point-and-shoot has given me better and more consistent photos for 3 years. Can't explain it but it's true, hahaha! So maybe you and I are lucky to have our little secret weapons :D

  8. That ivy is just extraordinary growing inside that palm tree. I NEVER see palm trees here, so I really enjoyed your lovely photos. Can't believe these are taken with "a stupid little automatic camera". You'd be a master photographer with a DSLR!

  9. Hi Wendy, Its great seeing your blog. I recently just got this "palm" tree and went about doing some research. Its actually a Cycad but popularly known as sago Palm. Those little plants that you have growing around the middle, I have been pulling them out, thinking it was weed LOL. That new growth is absolutely beautiful.


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