Thursday, May 5, 2011

Mothers Day Flower Vases DIY {Home}

What do you do when you have an abundance of roses in your garden?  You make flower vases so you can share them of course!  Yesterday I shared some pictures of my Rose Garden and when I was out trimming my roses this morning, I decided to come up with creative ways for anyone to be able to make pretty flower vases for Mothers Day and for no cost at all! {These would also be great for Teacher Appreciation, Friendship, or Birthday Gifts.}

Sneak peek is over - so now lets begin!  I have Six different vases to share with you today.

First, all you need is a few containers to recycle, such as soup cans, water bottles, and glass jars of all sizes!

Then throw in scraps of trims {this was free in a grab bag at the fabric store}!

Or simply use that last scrap of ribbon, or the piece you saved from the last holiday, that came on a gift!  If you don't have any you can always get ribbon cheap at a clearance section of a craft/fabric store or at a thrift store.

For an extra special treat you can use buttons!  Vintage from your collection would be free, but if you don't have any they can be purchased in bulk at most craft stores {or thrift stores}!

For my FIRST Vase  I took an empty soup can and simply wrapped plaid ribbon around it.  You see I do things quick and don't spend time matching or lining anything up on the ribbon.  To me this looks natural and spunky!  I only used one dot of hot glue, at each end of the ribbon, to hold into place.  Easy and can be done with ANY size can!

What a simple but beautiful way to compliment  these Spectacular Roses!

For my SECOND Vase I simply wrapped this crochet style trim around the plastic water bottle!  I didn't even glue.  I simply tucked the ends underneath a row and wrapped it tight!  I did cut the top of the bottle off a bit to make the opening larger.

I loved this trim because of its nubby texture and because it's PINK, and because I got it for free in a grab bag at the quilt shop!  So how easy was that?

I love the simple but fun way that this turned out!  These would be so easy to do for teachers at school, secretaries at the office, spontaneous friend gifts, etc.

My THIRD vase was inspired by my collection of miniature crystal vases.  They are so fun to use at each place setting on the table or in a group!  I love them and keep my eye out for them when thrifting or bargain hunting!

I simply recycled a spice jar by taking the lid off and cleaning the label off!

I really love the thin small shape of this and think it is a favorite!  Just think of all the jars you have thrown away over the years!  You could also tie a ribbon around the neck of the bottle but I kept it clean so you could see it easily, since it is a small jar.

For my FOURTH vase I once again simply cleaned off a jar.  A jam jar that is!  I love the quilted pattern on the glass that many of them have and they come in different sizes too.  Jam never looked so good!

 For my FIFTH vase I simply recycled a glass jar from spaghetti sauce.  It is a large one that is the same size and resembles a Mason canning jar.  I didn't take a before pic but these are cool and even have the 3 dimensional words in glass on the side.  I wrapped tule ribbon {that I am famous for using on everything!} around the jar once and then tied a VERY FULL ribbon of tule around the jar.  I stuck two rose hips into the ribbon because I found them while trimming and I just love them {they add a great dimension to an arrangement of roses}!

I will surprise Mr. C and put it on his piano!

For my SIXTH vase, which is my last {but certainly not least}, I took a vase and wanted to fill it but not get the items wet.  This  vase was one I had laying around from sometime when I was given flowers.  Doesn't everyone have a cupboard of these?  If not you can pick them up for starting at 25 cents at the thrift store! empty water bottle fit into this one just perfectly!

This is when I dump out my white button collection and get to play!

I must tell you that I ended up cutting the little top off of the water bottle so the flowers would spread out a bit more.

I simply poured the buttons into the vase, in the space between the water bottle and vase!  This keeps my vintage white button collection clean but from the outside it looks like the vase is full of buttons! This could be done with anything!  Sand, jelly beans, marbles, paperclips,{OK mind mind is bogged down with all the ideas now}!

Who wouldn't want a bit of fun like this...

complimenting their roses and gracing their table? I know I would!

So there you have it!  Simple and FREE Mothers Day or ANY day DIY flower vases for your every gift giving whim! 

 These vases would also be great with daisies or wild flowers or anything you have, or can get a hold of!  Hey they are so cute I even think they would be great full of weeds!  Tell me...which one is your favorite?  I really want to know!

Thanks to Tauni and the great ladies over at  SNAPS   for featuring me in their Great Mothers Day Projects!  Come over and check out the other fun projects!

I've linked this project to The Girls at Eighteen25 and Under the Table and Dreaming so come over and join the fun!

You can also see me on Whipperberry  and Thrifty Decorating and Skip to my Lou!


  1. I love it!! I love it!! Wendy, you're fabulous!!

  2. Just loved seeing all your ideas!!!! Thanks so much!!! Love the roses!!!

  3. Oh, I wish I had an overabundance of roses to play with. These are such clever ideas. I like the ribbon on the can and the white buttons. I never would have thought of that!

  4. These are amazing! Honestly, what a great idea. You are so talented Wendy! Happy Mother's Day to you on Sunday. xo

  5. More talent bursting out of you. I just don't understand how you can look at some plastic and come up with this......I lack all that creativity but it's sooooo much fun seeing you do all this.

    Loved the button-vaze! Very unique.

  6. Thanks everyone for thinking my funky little creations were even great enough to share! You guys are great! I have the best friends and followers!!!

  7. I love them. Hoping it warms up here so I can have some roses and flowers to enjoy!!

  8. Wendy, we love your sweet, inexpensive ideas for vases. Any of the arrangements you shared would be perfect as the centerpiece at a Mother's Day dinner.

    We liked this post so much, we will be highlighting it as a part of our Saturday Snaps post tomorrow on the blog.

  9. @Kelly - Come visit us and you can enjoy my flowers! Mom will let you trim hers!

    @Tauni - WOW! What an honor! I will surely send everyone your way to check out all of your other gift ideas too!

    Happy Mothers Day!

  10. Girl, you are something else all together!!! :D I really loved all of these - especially the striped ribbon vase to give away - but that button vase just totally knocked my socks off!!! WOW! And I bet your house smelled amazing too!

  11. WOW!!! Thanks so much for linking up....those are amazing ideas! I think that my favorite is the vase with the tulle....but truly, it's the piano that takes my breath away! Someday, I'd love a baby grand!!
    Thanks for linking to Thrifty Thursday! :)

  12. @Megan - Thanks! I am a huge button collector too. It still smells great in here!

    @Nicole - Thanks it is my pleasure. My husband is a musician so we have a full music room in our home with everything. They are incredible...someday you I hope you get one!

  13. So sweet! I especially liked the simple spice jar redo! Gotta try that one! Thanks for sharing over at Susan's BNOTP MM!!

    :D Lynda

  14. eekkk!! lOVE the button vase! I adore buttons and am ALWAYS looking for new ways to use them :) that your husband plays the piano. In my household music is our love! My husband plays the guitar and I play (well, not amazingly) the piano and will sing along...such great memories!

  15. @NYCLQ - I did really love that one as well!

    @Jill - Thanks! You are the photographer that we all aspire to be like!

    @Little Off North - Thanks! I am a button collector too! Fun story about your musical family! Thank heaven for my husband because I have no musical abilities at all! He is an accomplished pianist and organist and we are spoiled to have an organ in our home as well. Lots of fun times for sure!

  16. I'll be featuring these this week on Thrifty Thursday! :)

  17. Thanks Nicole. Blogger was down and I couldn't respond to you before.

  18. Love these ideas - especially the buttons - super cute! The flowers are gorgeous too! Thanks so much for linking to the Sunday Showcase Party - I greatly appreciate it. I have featured this. Hope you are having a great week ~ Stephanie Lynn

  19. Oh my goodness Stephanie! Thanks! What an honor! I will definitely check this out!

  20. Wendy, you are very talented! I absolutely love your sweet and inexpensive ideas for vases. These mothers day flowers are wonderful too! Happy Mother's Day!
