Monday, June 27, 2011

How to Make Ice Cream {Recipe}

If you have ever had the pleasure of tasting fresh homemade ice cream... it is an experience that will stay with you forever!    I grew up with parents who made it for us often on those hot Summer days during my childhood.  Growing up in the hot Las Vegas desert, there wasn't much better than that as a child!

There are some fabulous, quick and easy ice cream makers on the market today that make this task so easy now!  My parents made ice cream for us "old school style" and it was a huge undertaking!  Pounds of rock salt and ice were needed, with constant feeding of the machine.  It had to be done outside because the melting ice constantly drizzled out of the bottom, and it was loud!  You could attach the hand crank on the machine but luckily it did plug in as well!

My favorite type of ice cream to make has always been any fresh fruit of the season, so when I found the most incredible strawberries at my local Farmers Market this weekend, I knew just what to do with them!  Strawberry ice cream also happens to be my longest running favorite ice cream ever! {I mean who doesn't love anything to eat that is PINK!}

Fresh Strawberry Ice Cream {Wendys Hat Style}

1 3/4 cups fresh crushed strawberries
2 cups heavy whipping cream
1 cup whole milk
1 -14 ounce can of sweetened condensed milk
1 teaspoon vanilla

Makes about 1 1/2 quarts of ice cream.  Follow your machine instructions to prepare your machine.  Pour all ingredients in machine, turn on and churn for about 30 minutes.  Play around with other ingredients and just have some fun! {Since I don't use sugar, but sweetened condensed milk instead, my ice cream is creamier rather than super sugary sweet.}  I made my version of Strawberry Ice Cream with you today but am sharing some other variations of frozen strawberry treats with you too!

 Low Fat Strawberry Frozen Yogurt
{When you want a tasty treat but need to watch the calories.}

2 cups low-fat vanilla yogurt
2 cups pureed fresh berries
1/2 cup low fat milk
1/4 sugar or other sugar substitute
Mix everything together and then put into ice cream maker for 25-30 minutes.  Then transfer to air tight container for another 2 hours.

Strawberry Sorbet
{When you don't want milk or cream.}

2 cups sugar
2 cups water
1 cup pureed strawberries
4 teaspoons lemon juice
 --Combine sugar and water in saucepan, bring to boil then cook for 4 minutes.  Cool and chill before adding to mixture in ice cream maker.  Once churned in maker for 20 - 30 minutes you can transfer to an airtight container for 2 hours if you want your sorbet to be hard.

* I don't use eggs in my ice cream but if you do you can use an egg substitute to reduce the risk of using uncooked eggs.
* I use sweetened condensed milk instead of sugar, but if you would rather use sugar, then you might want to melt in warmed milk  {so your ice cream won't have a grainy texture} and then cool before adding to machine.  --For my recipe if you wanted to use sugar then replace the sweetened condensed milk for 3/4 cups of sugar.
*You can mix your ice cream ingredients together and put in fridge the night before to make things easier.
* You can substitute low fat milk or cream but remember that it might change the consistency since the higher the fat content the richer and thicker the ice cream.  Just freeze after making and your ice cream will freeze up harder.
*You can substitute artificial sweeteners for sugar if wanted.
* If you are adding additional fruit or nuts or chocolate chips then add them in the last 5 minutes and they should be no larger than a chocolate chip {so they don't clog most machines}.
* If you are adding alcohol to your ice cream then do this during the last 2 minutes as this may slow down the freezing process.
* Using fresh ingredients makes ice cream that is a softer consistency.  If you want hard ice cream simply put in airtight container {once it is finished in machine after 20-30 minutes of churning} and let sit for about 2 hours.

So what are you waiting for?  We have big plans on all of the different flavors of ice cream and other frozen treats we are making this Summer!  So tell me... what is your favorite flavor to make or eat?  We're taking ideas for next time!

I'm leaving you with more views of the most delicious and creamy looking PINK Gerbera Daisies that I found at the market today!  They reminded me of Old Fashioned Strawberry Ice Cream and I couldn't pass that up, especially today!


  1. Mmmmm...homemade ice cream. And I love those Gerbera daisies!

  2. Thanks ladies! My Mother called me after reading this and I now remember why Strawberry is my favorite flavor! That's all my Grandmother ever had and I stayed there nearly every weekend as a child!

  3. Your ice cream looks delicious!! I remember making it as a kid with the old crank handle ice cream maker.....something "magical" about those memories!


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