Friday, June 24, 2011

Summer {Tradition}

When you think of Summer... what visions come to mind for you?

Would it be American Patriotic symbols such as The Liberty Bell and thoughts of freedom and our 4th of July Independence holiday?

Maybe that Grand Ole Flag... the Stars and Stripes... and our Summer Celebration of Flag Day in America.

 Or do you have visions of bright and beautiful hot air balloons flying over the Summer sky?

Maybe your vision of Summer is a visit to a National Park.  To spend some time enjoying the great outdoors, to camp or fish or maybe the chance to see a bear.

Do thoughts of Summer leave you with visions of carousel horses dancing through your head?

Or perhaps the daydream of a Summer visit to your local County Fair and that always magical ride on a ferris wheel!

Maybe your vision of that perfect Summer Day is riding your bike in the fresh Summer air, or just sitting on a garden bench and enjoying the views of beautiful flowers.

Or simply enjoying that thrill of watching a child pick out and carry a balloon around with such pride!

Maybe Summer to you means a little bit more... like getting your hands dirty and planting a garden or even watching a single simple sunflower grow!

Or perhaps it is when you simply slow down long enough to notice, and stop and admire that nearby field of wild flowers.

Does the thought of Summer remind you that you now have extra time to go out and visit a zoo and watch your favorite animals?

Or visit a museum to get a close up look that famous art you've been wanting to see?

  Summer officially arrived this week, and in honor of this change of Season, I took time out to celebrate with a visit to my favorite local Seasonal spot... The Bellagio Resort Conservatory in Las Vegas.  It always gets me in the mood for whatever new Season is upon me!  Their displays never cease to amaze and excite me {as you know since I have shared them with you before}!  This Summer they pay tribute to Summer with views of some of the Great American Summer Past Times. 

May this Summer bring all of the joy and wonder and relaxation and fun that it should!  What is your favorite thought or vision of Summer?  Mine would have to be all of the wonderful  flowers that Summer brings {and all of that Warm Summer Sun}!

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 Share your Saturday at High Heels to Flip Flops


  1. I love going to the gardens at the Bellagio! The 2 bears that you photographed remind me of a favorite summertime memory of the year my son was born. I have the cutest picture of him and my husband standing in front of those bears. Baybah was only 1 month old!

  2. How wonderfull to see an update on the Bellagio again, one of my favorite places to see and ehich I wanna go see if I get the opportunity to come and visit. I love to go biking on a good summerday (not with the kind of temp you are having, I'm not barbequeing!) or just relax and sit in my garden. Again these pics are a pure pleasure to watch and you are looking mighty fine yourself too.

  3. These are amazing pics.....will have to get to the Bellagio soon!

  4. wow,, such beautiful photos,, amazing,

  5. Beautiful photos :) I love the liberty bell pictures.

  6. Great display and pics! I usually dread summer cuz of the heat... but you forced me to try and think of it in a different way. We will find some place neat to get away to with the boys, and also celebrate our 29th anniversary.

  7. It looks like fun to live in Vegas! So many things to see there. I love summer!

  8. WOW! Those are some gorgeous pictures. I enjoy this time of year.


  9. Thank you ladies! I love Summer and am happy that you all do as well!


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