Thursday, October 13, 2011

Autumn Flowers {Garden}

                                                      Autumn Flower Arrangement

                                    Hand-painted Pitcher I got in the South of France
                {you can easily use your own vase or any thrift /bargain store find will do}

                                                     Rose hips from My Rose Garden
                                      {good reason not to trim them all during Summer}

                                             Flowering Garlic Chives from My Herb Garden
                                                           {that smell incredible}

                                                            Stuffed Together

                            The beauty is in the natural look and not formally arranged.

                              Easy way to bring the feeling of Autumn into your home!

So what are you waiting for?  Go out and explore and make one for your own!  What creative thing have you used to make a flower arrangement? 


  1. Beautiful! I really like the rose hips with that vase.

  2. So pretty!

    And thanks for the well wishes about our new home. We actually aren't in yet. We are supposed to close on Monday, but we've been encountering issue after issue after issue, so keep your fingers crossed!

  3. Wendy, What a unique and beautiful arrangement. I have a friend who's good at stuff like that -she breaks branches off of trees and adds all sorts of things to her pretty vases. Wish I were more like it!

  4. I love the rose hips as well. I really do like the idea of decorating with natural elements. Thanks for the reminder to get outside and find just what I need.

  5. Great design... love the colors and how they totally grab the feel of the season! Thanks for visiting my "Bluebird" -- Honored to meet you!

  6. I love fall -- and all the warm colors. Love the pitcher. I have an old milk jug from when the milk used to come in glass bottles. I love using that for a vase on the breakfast table.

  7. I love rosehips, I need to cut some of mine this weekend :)
    Yes, hopeful that cooler weather is coming:) I am ready for Fall!

  8. I never thought of planting rosehips, but now I am. Love your arrangement. Thanks for checking out my blog!

  9. Thank you everyone for loving my Rosehips and Fall and my arrangement. I hope Fall has found your home by now as well!

    Leslie if you have any roses you have rosehips, they are roses that grow when you don't trim them after the petals fall off. Watch them change and grow!


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