Thursday, October 6, 2011

Autumn Leaves {Garden}

This morning a rain storm blew chilly air in to the desert.   I went out to explore.  I found the first sign of Autumn leaves in my yard.  I gathered the few that had already turned and brought them in to press.  They make me want to draw and color and create.  I have ideas... 

As I look close up at this leaf I am in awe at nature and all it's magnificent beauty.  Amazing when you look at the graphic details that nature creates on a mulit-colored leaf.  Have you taken a moment to explore the Autumn leaves yet?  You really should!


  1. That lone leaf is so beautiful. I don't know if it is because of its colors or because it is alone. :)

  2. Thanks Julie! That's why I loved it! The color was so incredible and it was all alone making a statement!


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