Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Spiced Pumpkin Oatmeal Cookies {Recipe}

My love of PUMPKIN has done it again and I've created the most scrumptious cookies around!

I made my own NEW pumpkin cookie recipe by adding pumpkin and spice {and everything nice} to my already famous and perfect BEST Cookies EVER in WendysHat Style  

I just happened to meet a new friend Leslie and the BEST Spiced Cream Cheese Frosting EVER!  I only changed the spices a bit but this is a definite friendship {for both me and my cookies} that was meant to be!

Here it is... my BEST EVER Spiced Pumpkin Oatmeal Cookies with cream Cheese Frosting, in true WendysHat Style of course!  Soft, moist, and delicious!


2 cups brown sugar
2 cups granulated sugar
2 cups butter -softened
4 eggs
2 cups canned pumpkin
2 t baking soda
2 t baking powder
2 t pure vanilla extract
1 t salt
2 t cinnamon
2 t nutmeg
2 t cloves
     Mix well then add-
5 cups oatmeal
6 cups flour
     Can add chocolate chips or raisins or even nuts but I didn't because I made a batch of those without pumpkin on their own!

Bake at 350 degrees F for 12 minutes, then cool and frost.


8 ounce cream cheese -softened
1/2 cup unsalted butter -softened
4 cups sifted powdered sugar
1 t pure vanilla extract
1 1/2 t pumpkin pie spice
     Whip together until fluffy and frost.
*note to self ~this would be great on cinnamon rolls!

So...  it's the Perfect time for Pumpkin people, what are you waiting for?


  1. These look and sound WONDERFUL! I love pumpkin and oatmeal -- what a great combo!

  2. These look so good! I love anything with frosting.

  3. Those cookies look delicious, and I like that they have a nutritional boost from having both pumpkin and oats in them. OK, maybe I'm just trying to rationalize getting to eat cookies!

    I really like the quilt in the background, too.

  4. Thanks and they were yummy! I need to make more!

  5. how many does this make?

    1. Sorry I didn't post. This makes A LOT of cookies, depending on the size you roll them, at least 4 dozen.


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