Friday, October 21, 2011

Flowers from an Indian Summer {Garden}

Lucky for me we are experiencing a wonderful and warm Indian Summer, which extends the growing season!  So I interrupt your normally scheduled Autumn and Fall colors to bring you some views of the fruits of an Indian Summer in my Flower Garden.  Enjoy!

    What I thought was a weed turns out to be a type of wild flower from the fleabane family.  One man's weed is another man's flower!

Sweet smelling honeysuckle.  Reminds me of playing at my Grandmothers house as a child.

The last of the cherry tomatoes.

A fiery desert flower.

An oh-so-soft pink rose.

Inside the center of a delicate rose.

Old Fashioned shade of purple rose.

Bright pink.

More Pretty in Pink roses!

Fabulous and  full fuschia rose.

Thanks for taking a peek at a few of my favorite friends!  Hope you are enjoying your Autumn, as much as I am enjoying my Indian Summer, for it will be over before we know it!


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