Thursday, November 10, 2011

Thankful Thursday {Tradition}

                           I am thankful for NATURE and the wonderful views it offers me!

From the warm sunny views of Red Rock Canyon...

to the cold but incredible views during a blizzard in The Grand Canyon.  Nature provides me with such majestic things for me to see and for that I am THANKFUL!

Oh and also for warm fuzzy hats to either keep the sun off my face or the wind out of my ears!  So what are you thankful for this week?  I'd really love to know!


  1. I am thankful for views like that too!

  2. I've never seen pictures of snow at the Grand Canyon. Beautiful, indeed. :)

  3. I'm thankful it's finally Thursday (long week), and especially thankful for my family. Beautiful photos! Love the pink jacket and boots!

  4. Great photos as always. Thankful for family and good health!


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