Thursday, November 3, 2011

Thankful Thursday {Tradition}

                                                              Desert Sunrise

For this month of November {a month that we end with celebrating Thanksgiving here in the USA} I will share with you each Thursday something I am thankful for, on what I am calling Thankful Thursdays.

Nature has given us the best gift with another stunning and beautiful sunrise EVERY morning!  Another chance to start a fresh new day.  How will you seize this moment and capture your day?  What are you THANKFUL for?  So I say to you, "Good Morning Sunshine and Welcome to a Brand New Day"!


  1. I love your photo! The lovely dessert warmth shines right through it.

    Today I'm thankful for a snug,comfortably warm house on this cold, rainy day.

  2. WOW! Your photo's are so beautiful. Thanks for the desert views.


  3. Thank you lovely ladies! The warm sun and the start of a new day make me happy {and so did your sweet comments}!


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