Monday, November 28, 2011

Thanksgiving 2011 {Tradition}

For my Last THANKFUL post and a great way to end November I will share with you the thing I am most THANKFUL for and that is My FAMILY!  Enjoyed a great Thanksgiving with the ones I love.  {NOTE-I only had a cell phone for pics.}

                                                          Girls dressed for The Feast!

 There was laughter and tears of joy and dancing as we were TOTALLY surprised by my nephew The Brave Marine who has been in Bahrain and came in right before dinner!

                                                      Showing off for Grandma!

My niece, the cutest little baker that made me the BEST rolls in the shape of Turkeys!

Another adorable niece that made darling decorated turkey plates and saved me a seat at the "kids table"!

      Our Pow Wow for the MAD Black Friday shopping plans {which started at 9pm that night and ended some 12 hours later}!!

                                           Sleeping Beauty fast asleep after too much turkey!

A wild and crazy cousins dinner for a 21st Birthday Party the day after Thanksgiving {how did we ever survive it all?}!

FAMILY & HOME {Two words that mean one to me} - The place that we all feel loved and comfortable.  The people that know how weird we are and LOVE us for it!  I give thanks for all that I have, especially my FAMILY!  Hope you had even an ounce of the fun that I did!  What were you most thankful for this year?


  1. Wonderful post, Wendy! You have a beautiful family, and please tell your newphew I said, "THANK YOU" for what he is doing. I, like you, am most grateful for my family as well. Have a great day!

  2. Thanks girls! Family is fun and those rolls were amazing!


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