Sunday, December 25, 2011

Mrs. Claus {Tradition}

 Let's give "A Bit of Applause for Mrs. Claus" ~
                                                    ~finally she gets the acknowledgment she deserves!

TWAS the Night after Christmas and time for a pause;
                                   Collapsed in the corner sat tired Mrs. Claus.

 The stockings were crooked, the house was a mess;
                                    The tree had tipped over - she couldn't care less!
Her muscles were aching, her feet were so sore;
                                    This overworked spouse couldn't take any more!

 She'd addressed all the cards from a mile long list;
                                     Then received several more from some friends she had missed!
 With the elves she'd wrapped presents for many nights through,
                                     With tape on their fingers, bows, paper, and glue.

When she'd lifted her nose, turned her head to the side,
                                      She had smelled something burning... "My cookies!" she'd cried!
She was chubby and plump, quite a jolly ol' soul,
                                      From tasting each goody and licking the bowl.

At last all was done by the skin of her teeth,
                                      The mistletoe hung with the holly and wreath!
Then Santa had cried as he left on his flight,
                                      "You're the greatest, my dear!  Merry Christmas!  Good night!"

The elves were all sleeping, each tucked into bed;
                                        But visions and fantasies danced in her head!
Come next year, no more baking or trimming the tree;
                                        On the beach with the elves - THAT is where she would be!

And then she envisioned a gorgeous new sable;
                                         With emeralds and rubies hung down to her naval!
When up on her roof there arose such a clatter,
                                         It ended her dreaming... "Now, what is the matter?"

Away to the window she flew like a flash,
                                         As she tripped on the clutter, hopped over the trash.
When what to her weary red eyes did appear,
                                         But the emptied out sleigh and eight hungry reindeer!

And the little old driver so lively and quick,
                                         Was worn out by his travels - Could this be St. Nick?
"Will you see to the reindeer, my darling?" he said.
                                          Kissed his wife, said "I love you," and took to his bed.

"Now Dasher, now Dancer, now Prancer and Vixen;
                                          Here Comet, here Cupid, here Donner and Blitzen."
Come down off my roof, and be careful - don't fall;
                                          You may need some warm food and fresh hay in your stall!"

"Well done, deer," she said fondly, though standing there freezin'
                                           Her thoughts then returned to her efforts this season.
She had toiled all day long and was covered with soot,
                                           And her clothing was stained from her head to her foot.

She spoke not a word, for she felt quite berserk,
                                           And she heaved a big sigh... she had done so much work!
Then she flopped in a chair with no breath left to whistle;
                                           A smile on her face made her finally look blissful!

Mrs. Claus could still smile as she relived these scenes;
                                            For she knew of her part in fulfilling our dreams!
Santa Claus gets the credit though everyone knows,
                                            Mrs. Claus is the one who deserves hallowed prose!

So let's give a CHEER for our own Mrs. Claus;
                                             Her love and her work rate a special applause!
A bit of applause for Mrs. Claus!
                                             Hip Hip Hooray!

Merry Christmas my friends... May Mrs. Clause never get blurred in the background again!
                                                                                ~All my love

{verse taken from a favorite book of mine}
                                  by Jeannie Schick-Jacobowitz, Susie Schick-Pierce, Muffin Drake


  1. What a great poem! Love it! Thanks for sharing.

  2. Thank you very much "postcardlady" I LOVE this little poem!

  3. Superb poem! Tell me you found that sonewhere and didn't just make that yrself. If it does have your signature, W-O-W. Couldn't agree more with pstcrdldy Dede.
    Finally the mrs. is credited for all her silent work on the background, yet such important work. After every strong man stands an even (or even more) strong woman. Let's take a look in the mirror. You're a mrs. Claus too, Wendy! And a very creative one.

  4. Mrs. Claus deserves all the applause!! :)

  5. You are so right, my friend! That was adorable! Just like YOU! Let's hear it for ALL the Mrs. Clauses EVERYWHERE, hehehe! xoxo

  6. Oh Wendy! I LOVE this!! I'm sitting on the sofa by the tree... mess all around... But loving all the joy that created this mess!

  7. Thanks!
    I thought that was you Dede!
    @Monique - thanks! It was taken from a book. I mentioned the authors at the bottom.

    @Cheryl & Megan & Carolina - Thanks I have always LOVED this poem and think about it every year! {especially this year when I was still up at 4 AM cleaning the kitchen up and coughing my lungs out}!


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