Thursday, June 23, 2011

Cornmeal Muffins {Recipe}

There is nothing better than local fresh raw honey, that has been drizzled over a cornmeal muffin,  hot out of the oven!  Yum! 

 I've been craving them ever since I found some incredible tasting honey at my local Farmers Market .

Instead of making the traditional corn muffin as usual, I was surprised last week to find a fun new recipe from an online friend.  So I decided to try it for a change. 

 They turned out to be a nice light and fluffy treat that was not too sweet.  A bit different than a traditional cormeal muffin but still great for a change!  So after making her muffin recipe we made mini muffins as well!

I'm sharing the recipe from over at Shoregirl's Creations so check her recipe out here.

Shoregirl's Cornmeal Muffins

2 cups flour
2/3 cup cornmeal
1/4 cup sugar
1 1/2 teaspoons baking powder
1/2 teaspoon salt
1/4 teaspoon baking soda
1/2 cup cold butter, cut into pieces
1/2 cup sour cream
1 1/2 cups milk

Combine dry ingredients.  Cut in butter until crumbly, add sour cream and milk, mix well.  Spoon into greased muffin pan.  Bake at 350 for 30 minutes. {makes 12}

Summer... Sun... Baking... Fun... I hope you're enjoying your Summer as much as I am!  What is your favorite thing to top with honey?  I really want to know! 


  1. So glad you liked the muffins, Wendy --- your pics are gorgeous and make me hungry for them all over again! I like hot/soft homemade biscuits with honey --- mmmmm my favorite!

  2. Thanks! That means a lot {since I did borrow your recipe}. I love home made biscuits too.

  3. I was just talking with my mom about making some cornbread muffins, and was going to look up a good recipe! Thanks for sharing, you saved me some time!

  4. Have fun Chris! They are different than traditional cornbread, not as thick and heavy, but good!

  5. Hello Wendy,

    I'm so much behind with reading all of of your blogs. They are such a feast for the eyes to see and read. Your pictures are great and tasteful. I just wish I could grab one off the screen. I do have to take care not to read them on an empty stomach as you make such delicious things, yummie.
    But I keep saying, where do you find the time to do all this. I simply don't have it, after work, household and stuff. So, fill me in on the secret.

    If we get to meet, I will have to try at least one of your great things.

  6. No worries Monique! Thanks for all of your sweet comments that you leave for me everywhere! Someday you will venture to the USA and I will feed you my friend!

  7. Wendy those muffins look amazing, and I totally agree that local honey from the farmers market is INCREDIBLY tasty!!!

    Thanks for following me on pinterest, I love all your boards too, and just wanted to come say hi to you on your blog as well. :)

    I host a couple link parties girl, if you are ever interested in sharing some of your beautiful creations, please come say hi, and link up.

    PS, I totally love hats too, but I only really wear ONE, it's just my favorite though, lol. You have some really yummy recipes on here, and I am happily following your blog as well.

    Bella :)**AMAZE ME AUGUST** @ Bella Before and After

    My CAKE blog
    **ULTIMATE PARTY PLANNING Link Party** @ Euro Style Cakes .

  8. You always tempt me with your recipes and pretty photos of the food!!

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