Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Flag Day {Tradition}

Today here in the USA we are celebrating Flag Day.  You can read all about the History of the American Flag by clicking my link.  I have spent all morning reading everything about the flag and am so happy I did this today.  I learned some new things {and I thought I already knew everything}!  I bet you don't know everything either!

Many people {especially people in public service} wear a Flag Pin on their lapel, to show their service and love of country.  Flag pins and patches are included on Military Uniforms as well.

You can show your patriotic pride anytime of the year with this easy to make flag pin.  I made this one over 20 years ago and have made tons of them in various sizes, over the years.  It's a great project for children or school or youth groups.

Mine is small and goes with anything.  You can make them with any size pin {larger pins and beads are easier if you are making them with children}.  I particularly like how the brass pins on mine have aged over the years and give it a great old look.

I spread the pins apart so you could easily see how to construct it.  Simply open your pins and slide on your beads according to this picture!  Easy!  Once you have your pins beaded, then you put the beaded pins on the base pin.  Put them on the opposite side that you open {so they don't fall off every time you open it to put it on}!  It's pretty easy to push the pins over to the other side.

For mine I used:

10 safety pins -
          9 were for beading and 1 was for the base of the pin {I used brass pins, but silver stainless ones look great too and won't age like mine.}
33 red beads {you will notice in the picture that my last pin is missing 2 reds and 1 white!}  Oops!  I told you it was old!  The beads on the bottom part of the pin on the far left should look identical to the one next to it.
27 white beads {or pearly clear like mine}
20 blue beads
           You can use clear colored beads or solid colored beads.  Both great looks!

So to all of my American friends, today I hope you take a moment to... honor the flag, fly the flag, make a flag, wear the flag, read all about the flag.  For me, Flag Day starts the beginning of a patriotic Summer that ends with the Fourth of July {our American Independence Day}.  I usually keep the flag flying and my patriotic buntings hanging from now till July 4th.  What are you doing this flag day?  What have you done in the past to honor your own flag?


  1. Happy Flag Day! That was a great post Wendy - and thanks for the link. It really is fascinating to learn about the flag. I saw on a site somewhere that every diagonal fold of the flag has a special meaning - that was something I thought was so cool! Loved your flag pin too! xoxo

  2. What a great Post! As you know, I love the flag, our Country and everything patriotic. : )
    Your little pin is adorable!

  3. I love the pin you made - it's fantastic. It is a special day that we tend to forget. Thanks for visiting our blog - I love your hat!

  4. Thanks girls! I'm glad you enjoyed my flag pin!

    @Megan- I'm happy you took the time to see the link.
    @M.L. - I loved your patriotic cake stand!
    @Cindy - You are so talented. I'm happy that I took a peek at my friend Megans blog list!


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