Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Birdhouse {Home & Garden}

I'm working on a fun little bird related project {that has me in a birdie kind of mood} and I just had to share four of my favorite birdhouses with all of you!

*FIRST Birdhouse* 
This hand painted wooden bird house is a favorite of mine.  I made many of them and am now only left with this one.  The wooden house was made by the husband of a friend and I did all of the art work. 

I used a miniature stencil for vine leaves and ivy, and then filled it in with freehand flowers and made of tiny strokes and dots.   I used a sponge to fill the base in to represent grass and had to paint a teeny tiny watering can!

Hearts to make the opening a "Welcome" one!  Can you spot the tiniest black spider ever?

It's easy to achieve a mossy roof by using many different colors of paint and sponging them on top of each other.  I used rust, brown, black and green.

I loved the tiny topiary I formed on the back.  This project was {obviously because I couldn't stop at just one} an easy one because I used a mini leaf stencil and then {with simple dots and a few easy flower shapes} just formed flowers all over.  Unpainted birdhouses {both paper mache and wooden} are easily available at most craft shops.

*SECOND Birdhouse*
This free formed clay pottery birdhouse is both simple but whimsical!

{Oops I see close up that it's dusty because I keep it outside!}  From the rough cut and unstructured base...  

and the slanted designs with U-shaped holes instead of circles...

all the way up to the mushroom shaped dome top.  This birdhouse is a whimsical delight!  You can easily roll out and form any shape with clay and have a lot of creative fun!  The hardest part is finding someone to fire it for you, if you don't know anyone with a kiln.

*THIRD Birdhouse*
I love love love the details on this {yet another} favorite birdhouse of mine!  A dear neighbor of mine gave it to me but there are so many fun ideas on it {that you could incorporate when decorating your own}.  I love the tiny metal drawer pull as detail, and the molding on the edges.  The color blocking used in painting adds a lot as well, along with the rough aged way that it was painted!

Oh that roof is amazing!  I'm imagining now how I could take tin pieces and attach it to a ready made bird house to paint.  Hmm...

*FOURTH Birdhouse*
Now for a favorite of mine!  My Christmas themed HUGE birdhouse {I don't know why my pictures made this one look tiny?}  Anyways... my Super Sister-in-law made this one for me for Christmas!  Amazing huh!  Her Super handy husband actually built it!

That roofline!  Wow!  He's good!  What a team they are!  {and she even lined the whole bottom of it with red felt}

She then painted it and added such great detail like the 3 dimensional "Christmas Cheer" sign above the main opening.  I LOVE the drawer knob and the perch too!  She then decorated the whole house with berries and greenery and moss.

Then she delighted me by lacing the greenery with real {battery operated} Christmas lights for a welcome and tiny glow!  Perfect!

 So there you have it... my big little birdhouse round up today!  I'm hoping my little bird related project turns out half as cute!  Hopefully in a few weeks it will be ready to show!  I have seen many wonderful birdhouses before and always admire them.  I'm wondering, do you have a birdhouse of your own?


  1. Adorable birdhouses Wendy! I love the tiny topiary on the one you painted (#1), and yes, I saw the tiniest black spider ever! :) I also loved #3 because of the long, tall shape, and the metal roof & details are lovely! #4 really touched me, that your sis & brother-in-law made for you - what a beautiful Christmas gift!

    I only have a few bird houses right now, and even they are packed in the garage right now (yes, I miss them!). Like you, I have had many over the years and usually end up passing them along. My latest one was actually a custom painted birdhouse for the parents of British actor Sean Bean - random, I know!

    As always, thanks for sharing! xoxo

  2. Your birdhouses are beautiful! I especially like the Christmas birdhouse and the darling birdhouse you painted yourself.

  3. These are adorable!! birdhouses are getting into fashing here too, more as a decorating item than as an actual house. Your first one in the blog was so sweet and delicate. It shows yet again your creativity....without boundaries....girl, you gotta start selling things, you need to merchandise your goodies. Where on earth do you keep all that stuff...your house must be exploding...I see new things everything.

    Continue to amaze me... you never seem to stop.

  4. I particularly love the painted one. We have birdhouses in the garden - but none as pretty as yours - they all look a bit rustic!

    Pomona x

  5. Thanks girls for the bird house love!

  6. I never knew bird houses could be so versatile

  7. Yes Renee it is quite interesting to look at the many bird houses out there.


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