Saturday, August 13, 2011

I Believe... {Me}

I believe in PINK! 
I believe that laughing is the best calorie burner.  I believe in kissing, kissing a lot.  I believe in being strong when everything else seems to be going wrong.  I believe that happy girls are the prettiest girls.  I believe that tomorrow is another day, and I believe in miracles.
                * Audrey Hepburn

This is exactly how I feel!  Hope your Summer has been perfect!  I'm still off enjoying mine!  One more week at yet another California Beach.  I've been spoiled!  I'm hanging on to Summer for as long as I possibly can!  Enjoy this next week and think of something happy {or pink}!   

Sharing on
high heels 2 flip flops 


  1. Wendy, I was just thinking about you this morning! I was thinking about Bloggy Boot Camp, because I'm attending another conference in the Dixie Center, and realized you hadn't blogged in a while. Glad to hear from you!

  2. Sounds like you are having a lovely summer.

    I love that I believe poem you shared. :o)

    Laughter is so the best calorie burner!


  3. WENDY! I FOUND YOU! LIsten, I saw that you had left a message about Pinterest. I was not sure if you meant the pictures on my PINS or on my blog post. The ones on my blog post are from Pinterest, but with no original names of sources. It takes forever, as you know, to tumble through EACH PHOTO TO FIND EACH SOURCE, but I basically typed in turquoise or aqua and then it brought up many of the photos I have. Other photos are from other blogs that give the sources as tumblr. I thank you for coming for a visit!!! Anita

  4. I'm with you on loving PINK! Summer is slipping away and it is such a happy time of year.

  5. I am a pink gal myself. Love it! It's the one color that just makes me happy when I look at it. Enjoy the rest of your awesome summer!

  6. Love the quote from Audree Hepburn, and your roses are beautiful. I'm jealous that you're on Cal. beaches! I'm from So.Cal, and I miss going to the beach in the summer. We live near the water here in WA, but we don't really have beaches, and it's not that warm here in summer.

    Have fun!

  7. I've read other quotes from Audrey Hepburn and just love them.
    I love Summer, too!!!!!! : )

  8. Love your hat and your positive cool energy - vibe!! I would LOVE to hear your craziest Vegas story... xoxo

  9. Thanks everyone! Feeling the LOVE and now it's back to reality.


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