Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Beachy Summer Fun! {Me}

Ah Summer... and the BEACH!  What a perfect combination!

I had a lazy and dreamy Summer and spent as much time as possible at the beach!  Definitely a favorite place of mine!  I saw many creative views from underneath WendysHat...

 From really cool sand castles...

{this one made by my nephew}...

{which was perfect for trapping water} ...

to some interesting seaweed!

I found some interesting views...

underneath the pier.

I saw some big waves...

and surfers...

and crowds on the beach at the...

US Open of Surfing  in

 Huntington Beach, California  
 for a week.

I also stayed at Rancho Palos Verdes and Redondo Beach one week...

while attending X-games all week in Los Angeles, where we watched skateboarding and motocross and rally cars and more!

I visited Laguna Beach...

where we played for a few days and then on to...

stay at an incredible beach house that my sister gets every year in Newport Beach!  Just look at the view off of one of the patios!  We were spoiled that week indeed!

I spent hours collecting shells, which is my favorite thing to do!

Felt the water rush between my toes...

and the sand underneath my feet!

I met a new friend...

Or two!

So as the sun sets on my Summer...

I wrap up my sandy toes and eagerly await my next beach get away while I daydream about next Summer!  What was your favorite part of Summer?

Mine was having fun at the beach with family! 


  1. Love your vacation photos! How I miss those So.Cal. beaches. My favorite part of summer here in NW Washington is the weather at this time of year. It's sunny and in the seventies most days - beautiful!

  2. This is pretty much the perfect beach vacation!

  3. Hey Girl! I have missed you sooo much! I'm thrilled you had such a delightful time this summer, but so happy you're back! :)

    That vertical pic of under the pier is AWESOME! WOW! And I even noticed one of the surfers had Mondrian art on his surfboard! (I wonder if he even knows?!)

    Well I'll be anxious to hear all about what's happening in LV and what you're up to now! Welcome home! :)

  4. Wow...weeks at the beach sounds like heaven!!!

  5. Thanks girls for the Beachy LOVE {and for missing me}! I'm still having daydreams of the beach and wish that we could have at least one more month of Summer!

  6. That looks like fun! You have a great eye for photography. You would go wild with a DSLR camera.

  7. Thanks Jill! Hopefully we can get my daughter {the photography student} a new camera for Christmas and then I can have hers! Yippee! Then I can learn how to use one properly!

  8. I can only wish for this kind of weather during summer. Our summers seem to be turning more and more into a jo-jo. Sun-rain-sun-rain........

    For some regular son during summer we need to go abroad. Well, there are worse things in life....


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