Monday, March 26, 2012

April in Paris 2012 ~Me

My Photo made into a Vintage Parisian Postcard {Vegas Style}
Spring Break 2012
the trip of a lifetime

April in Paris
~My girls have dreamed of this since they were tiny girls.
~My daughter has been studying French for three years.
~I've traveled France 3 times but not for the last 12 years.

~My daughters still can't believe that we are leaving now!
~We are so excited to show them the World 
THEIR lives will NEVER be the same.

May YOUR April bring YOU some of the happiness I think YOU deserve too!

I hope you will return to see if the weather cooperated 
if I find that perfect garden picture when I visit 
Giverny, Monet's Gardens
if the French Mickey Mouse wears a beret
if I find a HAT to buy while shopping
if we can find "C" a nice French boyfriend
if we lose Mr. C in some cathedral under an organ
if "C", who is staying home, doesn't
burn our house down or starve!

I'll be offline until after Easter,
unless I find a second to post a peek,
so please don't think I'm ignoring comments or any of you!



  1. Oh lucky you! Paris in Spring is beautiful! If you're anywhere near London, then just gimme a shout! Have fun

    1. Thanks Stephanie! I absolutely LOVE London and have always felt that England was my second home {although I have never lived there} every time I visit! Unfortunately this time it is only a visit to France so my daughters have time to explore Paris. When I make a trip to London I will DEFINITELY give you a shout out! Hey if you ever find yourself in Vegas let me know!

  2. Have a wonderful time! I look forward to you sharing it with us when you get home.

  3. Hi Wendy,

    I'm wondering how your trip was. I bet your girls loved Paris.


    1. Thanks Dee for asking! It was fabulous and I returned to a VERY busy {even more than normal} reality! Trying to look over pictures this weekend and maybe get a few up.


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