Friday, March 2, 2012

Kitchen Sink Renovation {Home}

Looking for an easy way to instantly update your kitchen?
The first thing on your list should be a new faucet! 
 I went with the

So here is the "quick version" of my story...  I live in a house that is 26 years and getting older by the moment!  It's a great house that is, lucky for me, well built but aging.  Yes I would love to update everything but that is not realistic, so when something goes bad, and needs to be replaced, I get kind of excited!  I had the original small chrome faucet that started corroding and had to be changed out.  I went with this fabulous new aged bronze finish and look how fabulous it is!  The sink itself is still in perfect condition.  I did NOT realize how simple it was to change the faucet out and really make an impact in the kitchen.  Well worth a trip to Lowes and then paying a plumber for an hour.  WOW!  I would highly recommend doing this if you are looking for a simple kitchen makeover!

It's been many years since I went through every kitchen cupboard, so while I was at it I spent $5 a roll and found the cutest Contact Shelf Paper.  So now I get to change out the shelf lining in my drawers and cupboards too.  It's like putting on a much-needed new dress!  As you can see I've been busy this week.  What have you been up to?  What have you found to be a simple way to update the kitchen in your home?  I'd really like to hear!

Addition to my original post...
Here is a peek under the kitchen sink.  I had a special request!


  1. I've noticed some of my contact paper is coming up. When I was a kid, contact paper stuck so well you could hardly peel it up! That black and white you have would look great in my kitchen too :)

    1. I got this contact paper at Target. P.S. I'm loving your Valentine Quilt!

  2. We have a porcelain sink, too, and I hate it. It's chipped and looks bad. I really want to replace it, and the faucet.

    1. I know all about wanting to replace. My old sink still looks brand new, thankfully!

  3. Love the new faucet - it looks great in your kitchen!

  4. We just signed papers to start contracts on our new house so I'm loving this post. I'm so into house stuff it's crazy. And brushed bronze is my favorite somI love your choice. Looks great!

  5. Oh.....this is Lala....sined in with my personal blog! Hi Wendy:-)

  6. I love new faucet! It made your kitchen sink look classy! It’s a good investment, so you better take care of it. Simple makeovers are a fun and exciting activity! It really stimulates the creativity in you.

    -Althea Tumlin

  7. Self-rimming also called drop-in sinks feature a rim that rests on the countertop, covering the raw countertop cutout. They typically cost less and are easier to install than other types of sinks, but the edges can be difficult to keep clean.

  8. I agree with you. Even the simple task of changing the faucet can bring tremendous change to the whole sink. That is if you’ve switched into a contrary shade of the previous faucet. :P Honestly, I might have ruined our sink if I had to do this by myself.

  9. @Daryl: I can’t do it on our kitchen sink as well. Even if I really wanted to, I just can’t. And I don’t have the guts either. I think if I’ll be the one to do it, I might just ruin it instead of fixing it. :p


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