Friday, June 1, 2012

Photo a Day June {Photography}

photo via fatmumslim

Care to hear about my latest project?

Anyone who knows me knows that I love pictures!
I love looking at them and taking them too.
I love using my camera 
for years now I have also loved the convenience of using my phone!

Remember in January when I shared with you ideas for a Photography Project?

Well in April
became available to Android phones too.

I am now addicted to taking a picture and playing around with it in this program right on my phone.
The ease of sharing it on the web through Facebook or anywhere else is great too.

Now to the point of my picture...

In May I came across a photo a day fun list
by Chantelle of the blog

and I truly enjoyed taking a creative picture each day in May
and sharing it on Instagram.
I found new friends who were doing this same list.
It was fun seeing how creative and different every person was.

Here is a peek at my pictures from May!

You can create and even print cool collages and stickers through your Instagram pictures
by going to Printsgram and using their simple tools.

So my journey for June starts today from the list up above.
Doing this project has opened my mind and brought out some of my creativity.
If you are on Instagram you can follow me @wendys_hat and say HI!
If you don't have Instagram you can still use your camera to take a creative picture each day!

So... what have you done lately to bring your creative side out?



  1. Hello Wendy, it looks great, your collage! So much fun to see them all together. I'm going to make a collage too. I'll try to show it on my blog soon.
    I'll keep following you on Instagram :-)
    Greetings, Annelies

    1. Thank you very much Annelies and thank you for finding my blog! OK so I'm slow and just put two and two together and figured out who you were! I love your instagram stuff, it makes me smile and now I can love your blog too!


Please leave a comment! I would love to hear from you!