Monday, March 18, 2013

Las Vegas Desert Tortoise

"Killer" eating my prized dandelion that I had just photographed!
A sure sign that Spring has arrived, even if it is unofficial, is when my desert tortoises come out of hibernation.  The ground temperature has to be warm enough consistently for them to emerge.  Here in Las Vegas we have Mojave Max who lives up at The Red Rock Canyon Conservation Area and the school children have a contest each year as to when exactly he will emerge.  Mine usually come out a week or two after Max does because my burrow is on the North side of my house and stays cooler.   Last year I shared with you How to Care for a Desert Tortoise and some really fun pictures of some of my own desert tortoises!  If you missed it you really should take a minute to see the pictures, especially my skateboarding tortoise "hanging ten"!

Dandelion ~ Make a Wish!
Yesterday morning I was out photographing a beautiful dandelion that I found.  I loved how the sun was hitting the top only and it made it glow above the dark grass below.  I was checking on things in my garden and then I heard some rustling of leaves coming from my Tortoise Habitat.  I had a pile of lemon leaves that had been left from Winter and "Killer" was in them.

Action shot!
A desert tortoise will spend approximately half of the year under ground in a burrow in hibernation.  When they come out of hibernation after their long nap, they can have a ravenous appetite!  It is important to make sure that you have a saucer of water to hydrate themselves and then grass and dandelions and other treats that are good to eat.  When "Killer" woke up today he was very happy to have fresh dandelions and grass and he did dip his head into the water and drank for a while.  His tongue is so cute!  Don't you think?  They do use it to help them eat.  It's thick and hard and helps them pull their food in, sort of like our fingers aid in our eating.  In the wild, tortoises fill up when they can because they might go for some time without finding anything to eat or drink.

Satisfied Tortoise after his first feast of the season!
One of my favorite things is to see remnants of lunch still hanging out of a tortoises mouth!  They are so content and just sit there and bask in the sun after they eat.  When they eat roses or strawberries, which are favorite treats, their mouth will be stained red and look like they have lipstick on. They don't know how silly they look and I often say that they have a face that only a Mother can love.  What do you think?


  1. He seems like such a peaceful creature. Wonderful pictures!

  2. Aww I miss desert tortoises! I also miss hearing about Mojave Max. Thanks for the pictures and reminders of home :)

  3. OMG he is so cute!! Makes me want to visit your house and get a few pics. That's awesome!

  4. Oh neat, I think tortoises are interesting to watch. Thanks for sharing the pictures. That dandelion is so pretty - you captured it well

  5. Love the picture of his mouth open and getting ready to chomp on that grass or flower.

  6. Oh, they look most endearing!

    We had a taste of spring this weekend and are now back to below normal temps all week. BRRR! Go away cold weather!

  7. I just can't stop coming back and looking at this wonderful creature and your beautiful pictures!

  8. OMG he's so cute! Does he have a special garden of fresh food?

  9. That's so cute and awesome pictures. I love it when they announce Mojave Max is out of hibernation :) I love dandelions, too. We like to call them prayers to God.

  10. I love Desert Tortoise! I had one as a child! So calming to watch. Beautiful photos!

  11. Amazing little guy. He came out with a vengeance to eat! That beautiful picture of the dandelion..stunning. It had me sneezing just looking at it! I have a friend in Summerlin that has one too and she was so afraid he didn't make it because of the cold. Amazing how resilient they are. Headed to check out the skate boarding little guy!

  12. Down here in Phoenix there's a couple of desert tortoises but your way more likely to run into a scorpion or rattlesnake.


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