Monday, March 25, 2013

Spring Blossoms

Pure White Blossoms from a Flowering Pear Tree
I survived yet another Winter and love the changes taking place in my Garden.  Here in my desert I was enjoying signs of Spring for a few weeks before it was officially The First Day of Spring but for me, Spring Fever hit long before that.  All it takes is a week of cold and clouds, followed by one warm and sunny day, and the blossoms begin to burst in my garden.

Almond Blossoms
With the sight of new blossoms bring the thought of all the delicious Summer fruit that is on it's way.  There is nothing better than fresh fruit off of your own tree.  You really need to try it if you can.  So when I look out my windows and see these beautiful blossoms everywhere I realize that it is worth the wait and the little bit of work that goes into tending to my little garden.

Oh the joy that Spring brings!  When the bulbs and daffodils start to emerge out of the ground late each Winter and then show their lovely faces once Spring has arrived, makes all of that work in planting them worthwhile.  These bulbs are so cheerful!

Lovely is a Spring morning when you can open your French Doors wide and take in the strong fragrance that your garden has to offer.  The smell of my wisteria is stronger than any perfume and I love it!  So does my pet bumble bee!  Can you spot him?

I'm off for some Spring Break fun of my own.   After the one Spring Break when we took our children on a ski trip to Whistler I vowed to only go to sandy beaches during this holiday.  Well this year has me doing something I have never done before!  I will be busy until after Easter so stay tuned to see what I was up to.  Sneak peeks might be on my instagram if you follow me there.  So tell me, do you have any Signs of Spring at your house?  What are you up to this Easter?


  1. I love this time of year in Vegas - and I'm totally coveting your garden right now.

  2. Gorgeous garden - can you come install one at my house!? I have a black thumb. :(

  3. Beautiful garden! I absolutely love wisteria, it's one of my favorite plants.

  4. You always have the best photos! Loving this time of year!!

  5. Beautiful flowers as always, Wendy! I'm just loving all the flowers blooming around our desert!

  6. First I need your camera or maybe just you LOL Second I LOVE your garden! It's amazing :)

  7. Love spring photos. Im your newest follower. Please visit me for some of my spring photos

  8. Love spring photos. Im your newest follower. Please visit me for some of my spring photos


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