Saturday, April 16, 2011

Beads {Me}

I love interesting things that stimulate me visually, and that is what happened here!

Last weekend I stopped by my neighborhood quilt shop {Quiltique in Henderson, Nevada and if you find yourself visiting Las Vegas you should check it out} where they were hosting "Sew Street Market".  Thirty different handmade vendors were outside and special events inside the shop as well.

Anyways...I fell in love!  Just look at this perfect shade of bright Spring Green!  I went crazy over these tiny little beads!

Visually this green beaded beauty caught my eye and then I made the mistake of picking it up!  Just look at the different shapes of beads and the different shades of green!  Like a beautiful watercolor.  I loved it because it was so different with so many unmatched designs {and this is the underneath side}.

This beaded creation {that reminds me of an incredible caterpillar} is a hand beaded bracelet and once I tried it on it was mine!  I met a new friend as well!  Barbara {a creative and experienced bead designer} makes the best beaded jewelry and other things.  Her business is also creatively called Flandralias!  Unfortunately she is not online, but lucky for me I got her number and her card!

Then I spot her cute flower beads!  I love the Spring feel that they have.

So I now have a cute beaded ring to wear with my caterpillar bracelet!  So sweet!

I'm set now and ready to head out and find my next handmade show to attend.  Don't you just love Street Markets and Art Fairs? So many great things to see.  So much creativity to be found that it leaves you inspired.  Meeting new friends.  Leaving with new treasures. What is your favorite item you've ever come across at one? 


  1. Beautiful! I learned to make a "caterpillar" bracelet a long time ago...I have a brown one. It's getting old and frail so I don't wear it much anymore. I really like yours though...the green is stunning.

  2. WOW, this is a dazzling color green. I can imagine it caught and captured you. Love it too. How about some green flip flops to match it, haha!

  3. Oh my gosh - you totally SCORED! Lovely creations!!! I am always very inspired by the things I see as well, especially color and texture. These are awesome!


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