Thursday, April 14, 2011

Ladybug in the Garden {Garden}

I went out to check on my roses and came across the most peculiar thing!  An odd looking ladybug!

This is typically what you think of when you picture a ladybug in your mind, right? 

I know because last month I purchased some from the plant nursery.  I love adding them to my garden because they eat aphids and mites and other bugs that are harmful to my flowers.

Red, round, tiny, hard shell, black spots.  These are words that come to mind when describing a ladybug.

 So you can imagine my intrigue when I came across this mutated little thing!  I turned the flower in every direction to get a good look at her!  I tried to take the closest pictures that I could! {She was the best photo subject too,  just clinging to my rose for an hour while I tried to get that perfect shot!}

Did a little research on ladybugs and found that in their larvae stage they are long and black, even though I did not find anything pictured that resembled mine.  My daughter was amazed and said that it was a mutated one!  This funny little thing must only be changing into the beautiful ladybug that she is to become!  Isn't nature spectacular?!  {Proof to me that you can be creative and draw your ladybugs any shape that you want to!} 

Something else I found while I was down on the ground.  A dandelion to blow and make a wish!  So what do you think of my ladybug?


  1. Interesting! She looks like a cross between an ladybug and a bumble bee.

    : )

    Julie M.

  2. I thought maybe she was the queen or something...

  3. Very interesting! She looks like a prehistoric lady bug to me.

  4. Wow, very interesting! They are everywhere!

  5. Thanks for reminding me.....time to go get LadyBugs for MY garden....I do my best to use NO pesticides at all. Garden may not grow as much as chemical ones, but it is safe and natural. Oh, and I usually get a crop of Praying Mantis each year from eggs of my past. Love seeing them come back each year and I smile as I remember their ancestors and the joy the garden of that year brought me. Oh, and your little girl bug is darling!!!

  6. Thank you all for your comments. I enjoy hearing what you think of her and each of your unique thoughts on the subject. Donna I love praying Mantis too!

  7. Love all your ladybug photos, Wendy. I didn't know they benefit the garden. They are pretty bugs!

  8. That is one odd looking ladybug, but your photos are stunning!

  9. Wendy, I'm glad we share a love for organists. How great you have one in your own home! Thanks for your comment on one of my favorite posts.

    Love the photos. I wish we had ladybugs (even mutated ones) and roses around here--maybe another month or so. :)

  10. Oh my goodness, what an adorable post! I'm pretty sure ALL your ladybugs love to be in your garden just as much as you love to have them! And great close-up pics too! :D

  11. Wendy,
    My co-worker "big" Jason Larsen just introduced me to your fabulous blog. I love everything about it! Expect to hear from me alot.

    - Amanda

  12. Ladies and ladybug lovers. I am so excited to see so many of you {both old and new friends} take such an interest in this with me! Love it!
    @Amanda- I love Big Jason!!!!! We grew up together {so punch him in the arm for me} and thanks for joining in on my "bloggy" fun! I didn't know he knew I existed here {stalker}!

  13. Love this post. I can visualise you with your camera hunting through your backyard spotting all kinds of wonderful life just a few steps out your door. Like a butterfly you hop-to-the-hop from one spot to the other amazed by all these guests in your garden. I love to witness your fascination.


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