Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Charity for Japan {Me}

Last week I had the great opportunity to have a bit of fun and do something charitable for the people suffering in Japan.  My life has been busy with many unexpected things lately {that have taken up my time} so I was really excited to jump in at the last minute and do this!

I was asked by the Church to decorate for a Birthday Dinner that would also serve as a project to do service for the victims of the recent devastating Earthquake/Tsunami in Japan.  The Birthday Party was recognizing the birthday of a worldwide women's organization called Relief Society that was started in 1842 and has come to benefit millions of people all over the world.

I didn't have much time so I had to go with Plan C {instead of the great ideas I had running through my mind}! I really only had 2 days to do this!  So I dug out some silk Spring table arrangements that I had made years ago, and had in storage, and dressed them up a bit!

There's nothing that a little gold can't dress up for a special occasion!

So I started spraying and hot gluing away!

Until I had these little gems!

I took my little old flower pots and...

I wrapped them and turned them into something fitting for a birthday queen!

Then I packed them up and headed over to the Church to decorate before the evening events!

Simple tables were set.

Party lights were strung and turned on.

Then we dined on very tasty homemade Asian cuisine as we learned more about the Japanese culture.  We had a guest speaker who was a young man who had recently returned from a service mission to the very area that was devastated from this recent tragic earthquake in Japan.  It was wonderful to hear of his experiences, learn more about the culture, and the updates on how this area is coping with the tragedy that has hit them.

Once dinner was finished we went into the next room where a simple quilt was set up to be tied.  This was an easy thing that could be done in a single evening.  Everyone {whether skilled or not} could join in and help support the people of Japan.

In no time at all another quilt was started and finished too!

At other tables there were blocks to be painted for the children of Japan.  Our guest speaker will help us to get all of the items made this evening into the hands of those people {in Japan} that need to feel of our love and concern.

 I have seen many wonderful things done to help the people of Japan, and am happy to have done something to help in my own little way.  This simple dinner and service project was easy and fit for a Birthday Queen {something that the original ladies from Relief Society would have been proud of}!


  1. What a fab idea for an RS night! Your centerpieces turned out awesome!

  2. You did such a fabulous job! They are lucky to have you.

  3. Oh my goodness! These are to die for. You are so talented Wendy. What a great relief society activity!

  4. First - I love your Hat, I used to work for a Milliner and well that just made me picky about hats.

    Second - Great Job on the Relief Society Birthday Activity.

    and Third - Thanks for coming over and commenting on my blog. I'm glad you found me because then I was able to find you!

  5. I am just amazed. I imagine you can turn anything old/awful looking into some georgeous looking piece. Wendy wonderwoman. They are happy to have you indeed.

  6. Wendy, you are freaking AMAZING! My personal favorite were your adorable birthday crowns - but everything from the party lanterns overhead to the gold polka dot ribbon looked simply exquisite! Nice job, my talented and creative friend! And bless you all for the relief efforts for Japan :)


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