Friday, May 27, 2011

Memorial Day {Tradition}

Memorial Day is a Patriotic Holiday here in the USA {the last Monday in May} where we celebrate and honor our remembrance of servicemen that have given their lives for our country. 

Many people take this time to honor those soldiers that laid down their lives for our freedom.  This has also been a time that families lay flowers on the graves of their loved ones.  I dedicate this Memorial Day to my dear cousin Joey who tragically died  so suddenly last month.  He was an inspiration to all and touched the lives of so many, including the many students {and adults} that he served and taught over the years.  We shall always remember him.

I found a lot of interesting information on Memorial Day when i took the time to read up on it, and I'm glad I did.

For many, Memorial day brings the promise of Summer...

School is ending.
Temperatures are warming up.
Barbeques are tempting us all.
Swimming pools are getting busy.
Gardens are being tended.
Road trips are being planned.
Vacations are getting started.
The whole world seems to relax a little and laugh a whole lot more!

I'm off until Tuesday now... spending time and having fun with the ones I love and I hope you find some time to do the same!  So tell me.  What does Memorial Day mean to you? 


  1. Wendy,

    I am so sorry for your loss. Thank you for the reminder of what Memorial Day is really about.

  2. I wish I were closer to the cemeteries where my grandparents died. I do love looking at all the flowers.

  3. I agree - thanks for the reminder to reflect on what is so important. I wish I didn't live so far away from where my parents are buried... I would really love to bring them flowers... I will bring them flowers in my heart :)

  4. Sorry to hear about your cousin...sounds like he will be missed by many.
    Have a wonderful weekend with your loved ones : )

  5. I thank you for the reminder of what Memorial Day is actually about. A beautiful post.

  6. Thank you all for our kind and thoughtful comments. I really enjoyed the thoughts that each of you had on Memorial Day. Thanks for sharing that with me.

  7. Those are beautiful pictures and a wonderful post.
    I'm sorry for the loss of your cousin.

    'Memorial Day' for me means freedom.


  8. Thank you for this post (and thank you for your kind words on my blog :). Blessings to you and your family. I'm sorry for your loss.

  9. Thank you ladies! I love hearing your personal thoughts on this topic!


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