Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Daylilies {Garden}

It's the first day of June which surely means that my Daylilies are blooming.  My favorite month of the year, for many different reasons!  I love these flowers because just when the Spring blooms have faded, all of a sudden these amazing beauties POP out of nowhere!

I just LOVE this Spicy color!  With these {easy to grow} flowers you can have a bit of tropical in any corner of your garden!

Many people confuse the orange colored Daylilies with the Tiger Lily.  They are very different flowers that can be distinguished with the brown spots on the Tiger Lily.  Daylilies are just as beautiful and even easier to grow.

 Their flowers are yellow, orange or melon colored.   Daylilies are available in a wide range of colors, usually in many different shades of yellow, orange, cream or pinks. They are very easy to care for and require hardly any attention at all.  Besides being watered by the sprinklers, mine have been ignored for some time.  They grow in many different growing zones as well {USDA zones 3 - 10}.  They love sunshine and can be drought tolerant.

 Daylilies {Hemerocallis} are scentless, Perennial flowers, with long skinny stems and long grass like leaves.

 They bloom for a single say and then fade away and are replaced by more.

 I've always admired the Daylilies in my garden, but this year especially so!  I am itching to make something in all different shades of orange.  So I will gaze out my window at these lovely beauties until time permits me to do something about that day dream!  Have you ever been inspired by the color of an object?  If so, then what?

I've shared this on
During Quiet Time's Garden Party


  1. of my favorite colors, especially for the summer

  2. Your daylily photos are beautiful! I love flowers in any shade of orange.

  3. Our whole city is blooming with daylilies! I've seen them in nearly every shade from yellow to..... RED! I've only seen a few clumps of the red ones and they are gorgeous, but there's never a place I can pull over to take a photo! Your orange ones are so pretty - I took some pics of my neighbor's orange ones too!

  4. I love you all my Orange Loving friends!

  5. Thank you for linking up and sharing my love of day lilies!

  6. Yes I have some day lilies in my garden but they are more red in colour. I used to have a yellow one but it got pulled out by accident. Your orange ones are quite beautiful!


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