Friday, June 10, 2011

Fabulous Farmers Market Finds {Garden}

There it was... like a mirage in my Las Vegas desert... the best thing that could have happened to me on a Friday morning!  I love a great Farmers Market but usually have to catch them when I am in Southern California.  We have a couple of them here in the desert but never one right by my home!  This one is only a few weeks old, so if you are in the area, check out the Country Fresh Farmers Market .  I am now hooked and must spread the word so it will grow and attract more vendors!  Besides the fresh and fantastic fruits and veges, I was surprised to find some unusual treats!  So I just had to share a few of the Fabulous Finds that were waiting for me there!

Look at these Incredible Gigantic Onions!

What amazing beautiful things!  After I gaze at them for a day or two and let them adorn my kitchen {and bring me joy} I will slice them and cook some up along with my famous breakfast potatoes.  Oh the possibilities!

Gigantic Garlic were found as well and I was in love again!

These garlic, with such delicate stalks and beautiful budding flowers, are so beautiful to see!  Every time I walk past them, in my kitchen, I smile {and the fresh scent of these is incredible, like nothing I have experienced before}!  They will be great for using fresh and then drying and making that perfect spaghetti sauce!

I imagine that this is the type of a radish the Pater Rabbit found in Mr. MacGregors Garden!

Beautiful, Gigantic and Zesty!  Another thing of beauty found at my Farmers Market!

My Summertime favorite. Yellow Crookneck Squash fresh from the vine!   So tender!

Apricots and Pluots {a hybrid Plum & Apricot} so sweet and juicy you have to eat them with a napkin in hand! 

Fruits and Vegetables and Other Tasty Treats... along with some unique and spectacular finds... are side by side next to other vendors selling their creations... all in all it was a great day at my neighborhood Farmers Market!  What is the greatest find you have seen or purchased at a Farmers Market?  What is your favorite Farmers Market to visit?  I really want to know!


  1. Yay for the Farmer's Market! Such a great find Wendy. Can't wait to go next week! I'm sad I missed out on the giant garlic. It looks amazing!

  2. You do know you're making me VERY hungry for fresh garden veggies don't you? I don't have a garden personally, but a friend of mine does and she always shares.........still it will probable be two or three weeks till I get some! Can't wait!

  3. Wow, you always find such great things! You are a seeker and a finder, Wendy! Those onions and garlic blew my mind!! Everything did indeed look so wonderful - and when you said "Peter Rabbit" and "Mr. McGregor" about the radish, I just had to smile and think of my children's books! :D

  4. Ugh! I wish we had a farmer's market around here.
    Those are some H U G E onions! I love me some fresh fruit and veggies during the summer : )

  5. I am so lucky to have such sweet followers who leave such meaningful comments! Pinch me! Looking at this makes me hungry again.


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