Monday, October 31, 2011

Happy Halloween {Tradition}

                           Happy Halloween and Greetings from Wendy the Good Witch!

As you may have noticed this past week 
I've been busy laughing and having fun with my family and not on my computer!  
Signs that life goes on!

Happiness is living in the desert where the temperature is 82 degrees
 and this good witch can drive around in her 
Broom-powered "Topless Benz" 
wearing her favorite PINK witch hat!

                                                    Or KISS a favorite man of hers!

So with all of this going on and shadowy spirits and ghosts following me, who has time to create something new!  Here is a link to my Famous Perfect Pumpkin Pancakes that I shared with you all last year!  They are the BEST ever and will carry you through all of these Fall and Winter Holidays!  Have you roasted your Perfect Pumpkin Seeds yet?  Mine are in the oven as we speak!

Be safe but most of all have FUN and HAPPY HALLOWEEN!  I'm off again but I'll be back soon! Oh and what is your favorite part of Halloween?  Mine just might be switching out my regular hat for a witch hat for the day!


  1. You look great! Love the car with the broom.

  2. Love the witch's hat and pink hair - stunning!

  3. Wendy! You kill me. The boots, the hat, the broom in your "topless" car... I love it all! Hope you guys had a wonderful Halloween! We missed coming to your house. :(


  4. Thanks girls! I miss my hat and broom and pink eyelashes already!

  5. The combination is so funny. A good Pink witch sitting in a car, with her broom, haha! You have outdone yourself again. As we don't celebrate it here at all, my favorite part is seeing you getting prepared for it and living it out that day.


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