Tuesday, November 1, 2011

T *pless Tuesday {Me} #5

This week the I saw many haunted views while driving around in my "T*pless Benz", thanks to Halloween.  Here are a few of the views from my house.

Our Jack-o-lanterns.  In order - Chelsea, Claire and Christopher.  It is so nice that they totally take control of this mess and all!

I had to show my inside view, next to Chelsea, so you could see how HUGE the pumpkin actually is!

                                                   Superman and Robin Hood

                                         Fun visiting nieces and nephews to trick-or-treat!

                             How do you like our JUMP shots?!  Haha!  Happy Halloween!

 Wendy the Good Witch shall put away her broom and witch hat until next year... but first tell me, what was the best thing you saw this Halloween?


  1. Those jump shots are awesome! Everyone looks so great.

  2. It's so fun to see all those activities around Halloween. We don't have this at all. Here we are getting excited about Sinterklaas,who will arrive soon and will have his party on December 5th. So the same excitement, decorations and kids going hyper, just for a different occasion. Dressing up we do in the Roman-Catholic part of Holland for carnaval in february/march. It's fun to witness traditions in other countries. You have Thanksgiving coming up soon. We don't have that either. The Roman Catholic part has a kind of trick-or-treating on January 6th, dressed up as the three wise Kings coming from the East going door to door, asking for candies and stuff).
    So we all have it on one occasion or the other.

    Nice to see the girls featuring again.

    So, to answer your question, the best thing I saw was YOU dressed up as the Pinky Good Witch.


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